
Does she like me?

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    I am stating the facts:

    I met this beautiful girl, totally opposite from the usually girl i go after. However, I am attracted to her energy.

    We had a serious talk on one of the nights. I told her how i felt about her. She said, im a nice guy, descent guy and im a gentleman. I really dont like hearing that, the nice guy part. She said right now she does not feel for a romantic relationship because she just got out of one, she does not want to get married again. She says lets be friends and see where it goes. She does not like to rush things.

    I love the relationship, because i told her i want a relationship that is open, honest and authentic. That is exactly what I have.

    She has two kids, that i pick up every now and then and drop them at her home, we do groceries together, we go on dates together with the kids, picnic and such, she and I also started a business together. When we are alone together, i allow her to talk and I listen. I now want to just be intimate with her. I do express my feelings, im not afraid of that. I express them more written. However, I have alot of fears about intimacy from my last relationship that i personally need to work on. I guess performance anxieties.


    Dear Emile:

    Reads to me that she does like you, likes you enough to spend time with you and to allow you to spend time with her kids.

    Regarding your desire to be physically intimate with her: last she told you was that she is not interested in such a relationship at this point, if I understood correctly.

    She may change her mind, become ready for physical intimacy with you, but before going for that, when she is willing, better make sure your connection with her is stronger than it is now. Make sure she really is ready and willing. Any un-readiness on her part may increase your performance anxiety.

    Part of that stronger connection with her would include you telling her about your anxiety and communicating about it before physical intimacy, so that when you are intimate, you are less threatened and more assured of the depth of her interest in you.


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