
Emotional eating

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #182777

    Over the course of probably the last six months I have become an emotional eater. The situation is mostly different each time but the result is the same. I eat something that taste good because I desevre it. Working long hours and jon stress means that I get rewarded by myself with a burger and fries and a candy bar after. Im overweight, my body looks terrible not to mention feels terrible. My asthma is worse and im always tired. Its uncomfortable to sit and wear certain clothes. I used to be into healthy eating and exercise but know I can honestly say I dont care. Which sounds insane because I must care even a little for wirting this ? That could be the problem also, i either feel like I feel nothing or too much, in the way of anger and sadness. I just feel as tho I need help but cant find the motivation to bring myself to care for mu health. Which sounds like depression but oddly feels differemt.


    Dear Jazz:

    You wrote that you “feel nothing or too much, in the way of anger and sadness”. When you feel too much in the way of anger and sadness, what is your anger about? What is your sadness about?



    My sources of anger usually stem from the usual life struggles most deal with I suppose. Job frustrations, family and health issues, things that feel out of my control and that i don’t have a lot of power in. When I was younger these issues would actually have the opposite affect on me and I would feel I could regain some control by restricting my food intake and always having my body slim to my ideal. Now it seems I just want to have something that feels good and brings me a moment of happiness when not much else does. I think I am aware that this is stemming from my need to try the best that I can to “fix” some of the situations in my life and filling a void that is missing but I can’t summon the energy or motivation I need. I can feel my body starting feel the effects of my unhealthy lifestyle. My health may have set me on a different path at one point in my life but now I worry about until the chance to “treat” myself presents itself again. I must admit writing all this feels a tab bit self indulgent and whiny but does almost feeling like weights are lifting. Thank you for your reply.


    Dear Jazz:

    You are welcome. My input:

    A habit has been formed: treating yourself to calorie-packed food following stress. Once a habit has been formed, it is difficult to break.

    You have experienced a sense of lack of adequate control and power over too much of your life circumstances and experience, for too long.

    Eating these calorie packed foods gives you “a moment of happiness when not much else does.

    I think that the first thing to tackle is the issue of control and power. The serenity prayer includes the following: “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference”-

    The “things I cannot change” are those outside your control. The “things I can (change)” are the things in your control. It may be helpful for you to make a list of these two categories. You can do it here, if you’d like.

    It will definitely help you in the long run to assert your power in areas where you are not currently asserting, such as in relationships, be it personal or at work.



    * didn’t get submitted correctly…

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