
Fear at work

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  • #44770
    Sam Taylor

    I am finding that I have a constant fear at work. In my current job I have been falling behind with my work, messing things up and procrastinating when I really shouldn’t. I’m finding that;
    – I’m always fearful of the unknown
    – I’m always burying my head in the sand
    – I don’t tell clients good news because I fear that it wont be good enough
    – I don’t tell my boss when things are going wrong because I fear of what they might say
    – I fear actually getting on with things when I have lots to do

    Soon I will be changing job to a company where I will have much bigger responsibility and pressure, if I mess this up because of my fear then I would really messing up my career. However, I am worried that this extra pressure will only make my fear worse and I will end up ruining this opportunity. I know I have the potential to be really good at what I do, I just need to overcome this hurdle first.

    I have read lots on how to prioritise and how to manage time, but I need to tackle the core of the issue of fear.

    Do any of you have the same issue? Did you manage to overcome it? What practical tips would you recommend for dealing with fear?

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Sam Taylor.

    I was literally just about to post something very similar. I hope someone out there has some tips for us.

    I work in a field where even a little mistake can mean huge consequences to clients…huge, life-altering consequences. And it seems that the more I try to cover my bases and make sure everything is okay, the more mistakes I make. I am absolutely sick to my stomach because I know I just made a huge mistake and there’s nothing I can do about it to fix it at this point, it’s done and I’m going to not only get reamed for it but also feel the immense guilt for causing a problem for someone.


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