
Feel bound and helpless

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    Hi. I am new here and i have been in search for places like these to share I might detail a little but i am hoping for suggestions.

    Two years ago i fell in love with a boy and we had a pretty strong relationship. I was 13 then. One of my friends got into a serious misunderstanding and decided to tell about this to everyone. These things arent very appriciated in my family so my parents were dissapointed and i stopped socializing in any form.

    I made all efforts of trying to forget him but i could not. We never saw eachother much due to several reasons and when i used to see him on occasion he would have this look on his face which showd that he wanted to talk.we are related so whenver we met our family was present so i could not talk to him. (A year and half later)Recently i camein contact with my ex andtold him everyhing that happened and he told me he waited for me for this long.we decidedto be friends as so that we wont be doing anything wrong but a few days later he dissappeared with a weird message. I am sorry i cant get in details of it but in it he denied of talking to me earlier. I am convinced it was him i talked to because he knew many secrects we shared and i have evidence of it.

    We can not converse face to face due to family issues and i really do love him and want to know what happened. What should i do.i have regrets and there are so manythings i want to say to him.we were really close and i feel bound as if in chains like i can not reach out to him.



    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by tinybuddha.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Haron.

    Dear Haron:

    Let me see if I understand: you are fifteen. Two years ago, when you were 13, you fell in love with a boy, a family relative, and had “a pretty strong relationship” with him for some time. A friend of yours told about this relationship to your family. Your family disallowed you to continue this relationship.

    You saw the boy several times since,  in the presence of your family but you and him never talked about the separation and how it came about. Recently you came to online contact with him and explained to him how the separation came about. He told you that he has been waiting for you. Later he sent you a message denying that it was him who communicated with you earlier.

    Did I understand correctly? If so, can you describe that “pretty strong relationship” you had with him two years ago?



    Yes you are right.

    Although we were together for a few months it wasnt that we used to meet much but we contacted online and as he is my relative we always knew each other so very soon we became very close and during that time we bonded pretty well.this was about two years ago.

    Now when we recently talked, he left denying that it was him that was talking to me recently.not denying the past conversations.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Haron.

    Dear Haron:

    Maybe someone in his family … caught him emailing you and he sent you that email denying it was him so to show that family member that he is not going to continue the contact. Do you think this may be it?



    I thought about this alot and yes i considered this too.but i hope this is not the case. i sent him a text two days ago but he hasnt come online nor has he seen it.it is all that has been on my mind since and i dont know what to conclude.

    Anyhow thankyou for considering 🙂


    Dear Haron:

    You are welcome. It is difficult if not impossible to reach a conclusion without information. I wish you had the information you need.


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