
feeling bad about break up

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    I broke up with my bf because I was scared, he stopped loving me and wanted someone else. I don’t know if I should have waited until everything went back to normal. I’m lost I don’t know if I made the right choice breaking up with him. I wish I had opened up and told him about the things he did that hurt my feelings, but I didn’t and here we are not together. Even now I could still send him a message but that’s not fair. I hurt his feelings. I don’t know I’m lost. I also feel like he deserved better. I feel like I just self-sabotaged my relationship because we couldn’t communicate. It sucks.


    Dear akira:

    I wish I had opened up and told him about the things he did that hurt my feelings… I hurt his feelings“- (1) how did he hurt your feelings? (2) How did you hurt his feelings?


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