
Feeling Guilt & Shame

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  • #405205

    Hi Anita,

    I can see the confusion but let me answer your questions. 1)  I had originally been told he wouldn’t be there, I didn’t really care either way. For a long time after we broke up, I wanted to run into him. He was my first love and we broke up on bad terms, I was a teenager. I felt like I romanticized our relationship but later on, I saw it for what it really was — an immature relationship. When I started dating my now boyfriend, I no longer wanted to run into him and ceased thinking about him except from time to time as is normal.

    2) My boyfriend has a work trip the weekend of the wedding so he could not attend unfortunately.

    3) It wasn’t as though I openly flirted with him with everyone present. We were always around other people. We would talk among ourselves and then be joined in by other friends. It wasn’t very crazy. We were both drinking but we drank with other people as well.

    I’ve only ever had two sexual partners, him and my now partner. So I guess, yes, I just wanted to tell him that. I think also I liked the attention he gave me, it felt familiar, like a hug.

    But I don’t think I have “special feelings” towards him that I don’t have towards my now boyfriend. If anything, I feel like I never felt how I do now for my boyfriend for my ex.

    I hope this clarifies some things for you.


    Dear arabella:

    So you are not at all worried that any of the wedding guests will tell your boyfriend or mention it in his presence that you and your ex were having so much fun together? I mean, your boyfriend knows about your ex, and that you spent time with him during the  wedding, does he?

    And about having wanted to tell your ex your truth, and freeing yourself from this truth during the wedding and/ or during texting later that night, the truth was that your sex life with him was irreplaceable?

    You wrote earlier today regarding your ex:  “I don’t think I’ll ever have that kind of feeling with anyone else again“, and in your most recent post, you wrote regarding your ex: “I don’t think I have ‘special feelings’ towards him that I don’t have towards my now boyfriend“. Do you see a contradiction here?



    Hi Arabella

    It sounds like you have serious concerns about how this revelation would impact your relationship. In this case, protecting the relationship may be the sensible choice. This decision is yours alone and ultimately, it is you who knows best how to manage your life.

    Do you have any uncomfortable thoughts that accompany the feelings of guilt and shame? You don’t have to divulge them, but when you are feeling calmer it might be a good idea to address those thoughts with self-compassion. In the meantime, ruminating on this subject isn’t going to resolve this issue. Please take care of yourself, practice self-care, eat, and rest. Forgiveness starts and ends with not beating yourself up over it. It can be a journey.

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