
Feeling lost after the end of a relationship

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    This is my first post here. And I am looking for advice and also a way to help me move past these feelings of regret sadness anger and fear. I have recently gone through a breakup with a man who I was seeing for only a few months   . We had a ok connection at first but there was something in my gut that told me that he was not the right person for me or my children.  We continued to date and things became very serious very fast. He seemed to be very happy with me but I was feeling off. He has a lifestyle different from mine. He is trying to get back on his feet after his marriage ended and it was a topic he talked about alot. He doesn’t have a lot of money and on times I wondered if I was being used.  I kind of felt sorry for him and tried to help him. But more and more I was becoming annoyed by him stsying at my house and his hygiene habits and his drinking.last week I finally expressed that I was not feeling good about our connection lately and he said he didn’t feel that way.  We argued …he insulted me I insulted him we parted with a kiss and that we would talk later that day.  That was over a week ago and our contact was very little.  We agreed to meet and talk a few days ago but when I reached out he ignored me. And we have not spoken since.  Now I am upset mad and hurt that someone that was in my life has totally blocked me out of his life with no talk or closure. I know that we are not compatible but this ghosting is such a terrible feeling.  I have removed him from my social media and will not contact him again. He has left alot of his things here and I did reach out to say he’s stuff was here….still nothing.  I don’t want him back I know he’s not worth it but the hurt of being ignored is killing me.

    Any advice would be great.  Thank you




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