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- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 10 months ago by
May 7, 2016 at 8:15 am #103866
ParticipantI’d like to apologize in advance for what I feel will be a lengthy post. I’ll try to make it as brief as possible.
I’ve never posted in any “group” page that I’ve joined especially looking for advice. In fact, I’ve never been one to ask anyone for anything. I’ve always been the type to help others, but when it comes to me, I simply try to stay strong and figure things out on my own. Right now, however, I have come to the realization that there may be times in which seeking assistance from outside of myself may be necessary. This is one of those times. The fact that I stumbled upon this page a few weeks ago and seem to be drawn to it and uplifted in reading the many posts literally every single day….well, this may be one of the reasons. To reach out to all of you!
I’ve always been very spiritual person! Not religious, but had my own personal kind of relationship with God along with my one Guardian Angel, believed to be my grandmother for many reasons. Yet, Since about 1990, I have endured countless struggles, despite my trying so very hard. My divorce in 2003 lead me to even more frequent hardships. Believe me when I say, since that year, there truly has not been one straight positive year for me. Not one! I always stood back up, though. That’s what I do! I lost my faith and any connection to spirituality back in 2013 after yet another unexpected and undeserved hardship. I asked over and over, would scream and beg for answers as to why I can’t seem to get ahead? Why do I continue to encounter these misfortunes? What am I doing wrong? I am truly a loving caring person who never judges, has never hurt a soul. Why? I felt guilty of what I couldn’t do for my children, felt like less of a person, low. It was rough, but I am still here. While the answers to my questions weren’t answered directly, I had some enlightenment summer of last year amidst yet another bad relationship and living situation. It wasn’t unbearable, I was just very uncomfortable living where I was. However, in August, I was thrust onto a new path spiritually. In a mere 8 hours, I unexpectedly lost my job, a place to live and my relationship. 8 hours! Absolutely unexpected. The night before, I had a bad dream. After all that occurred that day and in light of what the dream entailed, I am beyond certain the dream was truly a warning to brace myself. I just wasn’t aware of that message so I wasn’t prepared. Nevertheless, I found myself drawn, per se, to learning all I could on so many things. I studied whole heartedly, Law of Attraction, Wiccan, Paganism, Spiritual Awakening, Shamanism, Buddhist…and many others. All of which I had some encounter with in minute ways throughout my years. I can look back at my life and even more so since August and see the many signs that have lead me to where I am spiritually at this moment. I’ve seen things, dreamt things, and encountered so very many things that absolutely cannot be explained on any scientific or psychological level! And..I do NOT believe in coincidence. I just had never opened my soul up to seeing the connections until the last 9 months.
Now, here I sit…I have learned so very much from each and everything I’ve read. I’ve maintained what feels “natural” to me and simply released that which doesn’t. I have discovered different techniques of meditation that works for me. I have since realized just how much “negative energy” I have been harboring my whole life in ways of always being worried, doubtful, fearful of the future. A very low self-esteem though my conscious mind didn’t see it that way until recently.
So, what is it that brought me here? While I’m truly understanding so much more about my own soul and I do know I’m growing spiritually, I still feel somewhat “stuck.” Since meditating I no longer suffer from panic attacks or any kind of anxiety. I was on anti-depressants for quite some time, but with financial issues preventing me from continuing medication, I have focused my mind on ridding myself of the depression as well. I have succeeded, for the most part in that I definitely have more uplifting days than days in which I feel utterly hopeless. However, those latter days? When they come, they bring with it so much pain. Bringing to the surface old feelings again. Feelings I have worked so hard to release. Just when I thought I was over my ‘ex’ his name, photos, songs that remind me of him and other things pop up randomly and without warrant. Since August, I have struggled to find and maintain a job but regardless of my dedication applying each and everyday, I still sit after nearly two months, jobless. Though one thing I have found is a kind of peace in such a low point in my life that I have never experienced during any other hardship. It’s almost as though deep down I feel everything will be alright. I’m no longer sick with worry. Some things have fallen into place in that my landlords are willing to be patient despite my inability to pay rent for the last two months, and my finance company for my car is also working with me. Having no job, I’ve been able to assist my son and daughter-in-law with my first grandchild who is dealing with some issues in his short 3 months of life. They in turn, help me with a little money here and there for gas. (They are young and just starting out, so they, too, lack financial security right now). So, I can see that all is not lost. However, these hard times tend to take a toll on me and my search for direction. When one day I feel a “connection” so to speak…a true inner peace, then the next I feel so “disconnected.” Though I know everything will work out, I still find I’m questioning “Why?”
It’s so hard to rid myself of these negative energies at the moment. I try to “let go” and just “surrender” but I still find myself confused and lost. I don’t have that “intuition” that so many speak of. My actual “intentions” don’t seem to actually manifest fully. It seems more often than not, I receive the exact opposite of what I think; what I would like to have happen in my life. All my life I’ve wanted to be a writer. Never acted on that desire, but have always felt it. After the loss of my last job in March, I opted to use that time to write. I even started my own blog site and wrote articles every single day. I believed that that may have been the reason to have lost my job. To have time to dip my hand in the waters of writing, during which time I had also continued to send out countless resume’s. Countless. Literally, not one single application I sent even received a simple “thank you but we found someone else” kind of response. Nothing! Needless to say, I have now lost the site I created due to my inability to pay. So, when I thought I had found something I was truly enjoying…something to help occupy my time….I lose it. I get to a point sometimes where I’m downright afraid of thinking at all. What does the universe want from me? Why must I go through this for so very long despite my most heartfelt strength. I read so much about others’ hardships and I always find myself empathizing with them and reminding myself that my situation is not all that bad. But to me, it is. I tell myself that the tears that I cry at times are just my soul clearing up the negative space for something better to take it’s place. I do believe that! I just want to finally feel something filling the void.
Again, I so apologize for the length of this post. I guess I’m just reaching out for assistance. I’m not in anyway at a “giving up” point. I do know “this too shall pass.” Truly. But I want to know that all I’m going through means something! I want to continue to feel those uplifting “in the clouds” feelings I have on my good days, but without struggles I’m in. I want to know there truly is a reason for all of this! I know that no one person can answer any of these questions for me. I know I have to find them within my own energy; my own spirit. I guess I’m just looking for guidance from others who have been enlightened with knowledge to assist me in finding some kind of clarity in all that is going on in my life. I’m confused and lost being on this rollercoaster of emotions, thoughts and feelings. I’m just hoping at this moment that I’m not cursed with some darkness that will hover over me for the rest of my life. I just can’t seem to complete engulf myself in any one true direction! 🙁May 7, 2016 at 9:09 am #103868Anonymous
GuestDear enlightenedmisi70:
I read your post attentively and here is my input, my recommendation to you:
If I was you, at this point, I would apply the concept of a Beginner’s Mind. By it, I mean: I would look at that structure, that detailed tall, complicated building that represents my spirituality, and reconsider each of its blocks. Then rebuild your belief system, one block at a time, from the beginning. It will be a different building, one that will work for you way, way better than the old one.
These are some of the blocks in your current spirituality (core beliefs) building as I understand them (correct me where I am wrong):
1. Your grandmother is your guardian angel.
2. There are no coincidences in life: everything has a reason and a purpose.
3. The “Universe” (including guardian angel, I suppose) is sending you messages about what you should do for your well being. When you are not experiencing well being, it is because you didn’t notice or didn’t listen to those messages.
4. Some emotions are “negative energy” that need to be rid of.What do you think?
May 7, 2016 at 10:06 am #103871Misi
ParticipantDear Anita,
Thank you so much and let’s just say, you nearly hit it all on the head.
1. My grandmother was/is my guardian angel, yes, but things have happened in the past nine months that I am confused about. I know she sent me messages in the past…one in particular directly through my (then 4 year old) daughter. I wasn’t as opened as I am now, however. My feeling of having my grandmother with me have somewhat faded (I think) because it was actually my dad who was with my in my dream the night before my world fell apart in August. I guess I’ve just come to see that our spirit guides are always with us, but may have to take a different “person” as you will, in effort to get our attention?
2. Yes, I do believe everything has a reason and purpose. I just remain confused as to whether or not they are created and controlled by our own higher self or if we truly have no choice in the matter of what happens to us. Our destiny is already planned out, period. I can look back and truly see times in which I was living situations that I at one time had desired or simply thought of. So, do we truly have a say in this life we live? If so, why am I struggling with certain aspects of mine?
3. I do believe in signs, synchronicity and messages. I have seen/felt quite a few that I know with all of my heart that they were sent to me for a purpose. However, other times, such as when I’m meditating, I feel things out of the blue and become confused wondering if there is a reason behind them or if my lower vibration, my negative level is taking advantage of my open mind. As I said, I just don’t think I have ever truly felt my own intuition. How do I know if I am feeling that or just my typical negative emotion…one that I have lived with for 45 years.
4. I have learned an absolutely great deal on my negative emotions. that is, in the sense of those on the surface, per se. The sick feelings of heartbreak, worry about finances, doubt about meeting people, etc. I have even lessened the dark effect of depression. It is truly a wonderful feeling, but now and again, I suddenly feel that negativity come from out of nowhere. The same negative feelings I’ve worked to eliminate. Even my last love. Why suddenly I “feel” him and miss him so much…just absolutely out of nowhere. Then, after a few tears, I’m immediately sent into the feelings of knowing that I am doing great and everything is going to be ok.
Does any of this make sense? Could you help me to understand a bit more about the “building” theory you mentioned?
May 7, 2016 at 10:35 am #103875Anonymous
GuestDear enlightenedmisi70:
What I listed and what you elaborated on further in your last post are your very strong beliefs. These are what you believe to be true, real. As you know, different people believe to be true different things. When you have two people who believe very differently about the same reality, one of them is wrong. For example, one person believes there is no such thing as coincidences. Another person believes a whole lot of what happens is random and coincidences. One of the two is right, one is wrong, do you agree?
You see, you believe in those things I listed, 1-4. I believe all those four things are not true to reality. I can tell by the words you used how strongly you believe in these things.
Where do I go from here (I ask myself). I don’t have a personal motivation for you to change your beliefs. I know it is distressing to change one’s strong beliefs. I know because I evaluated and changed a few of my own. It is you to decide if you want to evaluate those, and if you do, you will feel distress over the prospect. But then, if you do evaluate and change those beliefs that are not true to reality, you will benefit, over time.
I will attend to one of your beliefs, that there are signs, messages sent to you by a guardian angel and spirit guides- you believe in those spirits sending you messages but you are confused. How can it be? Aren’t those messages supposed to make things clear to you? If they are not clear, shouldn’t the message sender, caring about your well being, simplify those messages so that you understand and become clear?
I will attend to another one, that some emotions are negative energy that need to be eliminated. I believe that all emotions, no matter how distressing, have valid messages behind them and that if you pay attention to those messages, and incorporate those to the way you live, then your distress will diminish, over time, and you will live more effectively.
I suppose the two points are linked: I believe the messages you are seeking are in the “negative energy” you are trying to eliminate, and not in supernatural spirit guides.
If you’d like, let’s keep communicating. But I want to be clear: I have no personal motivation in you changing your beliefs. I will not … fight you over these. My input to you is that if a system of beliefs (the building theory, as you referred to it) works for you long term (beyond temporary feeling-good in between long, long stretches of trouble and confusion), then keep them. If they are not working for you, well, maybe you want to evaluate them. For your own well being.
May 8, 2016 at 6:42 am #103906Anonymous
GuestDear enlightenedmisi70:
I am writing you again because I feel that I missed an opportunity here. Plus, i am hoping someone else will respond to your thread. I do because you indicated that you are never one to ask for advice, for help and you did here and you did not receive help. So, I would like to try again.
I would like to try again. This time, if you answer this very post, I will not bring up the differences in our beliefs other than to clarify the following: I believe the emotion of anger is positive and useful when we are living in an abusive or unjust situation and there is something we can do to change it, to remove abuse from our lives or otherwise to make things just.
Waiting for your reply. Again, I will try to be as helpful as I can while accepting your beliefs as they are.
May 8, 2016 at 7:55 am #103918Misi
ParticipantGood Morning, Anita!
If you want the truth…you actually helped me more than you know!! Honest! It was in reading your last reply that it hit me out of nowhere. You see, one thing I have always said…even before my true spiritual journey began….was that “If YOU believe it…then surely it is real.” However, in light of all that has happened in the past 9 months, I had lost that ideal within my own self. I didn’t know what to believe…what ritual to follow…what spirit or God or entity to call upon to make things right in my life. When I wrote my “call for help,” so to speak…I think on the conscious level I was looking for someone to tell me…”THIS is the right way.” I was seeking a specific direction. Your reply reminded me that we all have our own beliefs but not one belief is better or stronger than another. It all comes from within our own soul. I still find myself confused at times in seeking clarity from the things (visions, sensations, signs) that happen to me, but I do know that regardless of what anyone else says…I am the one who has to truly “feel” in order to believe and trust. Considering my current circumstances in that I live quite a distance from my family and struggling financially while continuing to find work, spending so much time in my rented room alone tends to enhance the feelings of confusion, sadness, and a myriad of other emotions. These are all things I think I did know deep down inside, but reading your words is what I really needed to get them to surface.
As far as negative emotion…I completely agree in that it can, indeed, be positive. In fact, I truly believe that in order to experience complete peace with anything in our lives, negativity is a must. You can’t have good without evil, right?! I just know that there is a difference between feeling the emotion of the negative and letting it take control. We must all recognize that emotions are natural and acknowledging any anger, hate, sadness, etc allows us to open up to bringing more good into our lives provided we have the ability to let it pass and not allow our souls to be overcome with the bitterness that negativity can create.
In reality, though…I didn’t exactly get the impression that your “belief” was far different than mine. I saw it more in that you, too, believe in a strong power within us; our higher self, as you will. I just see that perhaps the “tools” in which you utilize are simply different. Where I see signs on the physical realm, you find answers in other ways?
You may have been the only reply in this thread, however it was that in which helped more than I could have imagined! For that…I thank you!!:D
MisiMay 8, 2016 at 8:32 am #103922Anonymous
GuestDear Misi:
You are very welcome and thank you for your grace as expressed in your post above.
Regarding your question about our beliefs not being that different, well for one, we do share the belief, as I learned in your last post, that anger can be a positive, helpful feeling. I am glad about that. We can talk about our shared beliefs more later, is you’d like.
I hope you are interested in further corresponding about the distress you expressed in your original post. You wrote there: ” I asked over and over, would scream and beg for answers as to why I can’t seem to get ahead? Why do I continue to encounter these misfortunes? What am I doing wrong? I am truly a loving caring person who never judges, has never hurt a soul. Why?”
I would like to explore these questions with you. Since you asked these questions of yourself, did you come up with possible answers that you didn’t mention in your original post?