Home→Forums→Relationships→Help!!! Will he come back?
- This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 1 month ago by
Dee Dee.
January 29, 2017 at 7:52 am #126318
InactiveI´m gonna try to sum this up. He´s 23 and I´m 31, we´ve been in a long-distance relationship for 3 years. He lives in New Zealand and I live in Mexico. He broke up with me one month ago during his visit to Mexico, afterwards I was suppose to go to NZ but how could I if he had broken up with me.
Our relationship had been very strong for those 3 years, then out of the blue he said his feelings for me had change, that he didnt love me anymore and that he needed to work on himself. He´s been battling depression for 6 months now. He´s on medication and will be going to therapy.
We´ve been talking everyday almost since we broke up. He left to NZ short after he dump me. But we´ve been keeping in touch. He says things like:
“You´re still my favorite person in the whole world”
“I just want to be alone”
“The distance was too much for me”
“I will always love you”
“I don´t love you in a romantic way”
“I still find you incredibly sexy”
“If I´d be in a relationship with someone, it be you I just can´t be in a relationship right now”
“I´m emotionally really unstable right now”The thing is before he broke up with me he was willing to move mountains for me, his love for me was very strong and now he just seems distant, cold and not interested in putting any kind of effort in a posible relationship with me. I told him that if we get back together I´ll apply for the partnership visa straight away. We didnt do this sooner because I wanted to wait for him to get out of uni first so we could be a bit more stable.
He says he doesnt know if he can love me pasionately again. That the relationship because too complicated, the distance too hard and that his feelings mellowed down. I´m afraid that time and distance will completely fade his feelings for me. It hurts soooooooooooo much!!! I just don´t know what to expect, what to think, what to expect because he says his emotions are unstable, that sometimes he regrets breaking up with me but other he feels much better, that his emotions are all over the place and that he has a lot of emotional clutter. He´ll be going to therapy soon, his just looking for a good therapist, but his been on antidepressants for 3 months.
I just can´t bare life without him. I know there´s a big age difference, but truly, we got along amazing, even with the distance we were pretty close to each other, he would message me every second of the day and always said he couldnt get enough of me. Since we broke up he said that his neediness for me is gone, that he still misses me a lot but that life seems a lot easier. If life seems a lot easier without me in it, do I have a chance of getting back together? What about the distance and time apart. How do I get him back? should I try to get him back? I also don´t know what to make of all the things he says, sometimes it feels like he contradicts himself. I don´t know.
I´m just soooo afraid he won´t come back. He had broken up with me in the past, three times, but he always regret it after a few hours and we would get back together. I knew that he struggled more with the distance than I did. But he was very committed to us and put up with it. He doesnt want to commit anymore. And now it feels like I´m willing to move mountains for him, but he won´t move a finger. We had plans of moving maybe to Brunei or even Africa, now he says he wants to stay in NZ and that´s it! If I´m cool with that good if not then there´s definetely NO chance of us getting back together ever. It seems from my perspective like now I have to completely and absolutely comply with everything he wants. He doesnt want to give anything back. Sometimes it feels like he just wants me as his side salad for his main course (his main course is himself and his country) and I´m just tagging along. that is if I we can even consider the slight posibility of getting back together, which he doesnt want at the moment.
He just changed sooooo much in one second. Before he broke up with me we were fine and the pum! he became an entirely different person. He also didnt communicated effectively a lot of things I was doing wrong which I realied later and apologized for and I´m now working towards fixing.
I know this is long. I´m sorry.
He´s truly the love of my life. I love, love, love him and this is breaking me apart.
Please help.
January 29, 2017 at 8:30 am #126321Anonymous
GuestDear regijones:
First thought: he started anti-depressants in the last three months. I remember when I first started SSRI antidepressant (Zoloft), I felt better right away. It was as if a pair of scissors cut of every distressing thought/ feeling at its beginning. So overall I felt NOT distressed and it was a great relief. At the beginning, anyway (first few months). How much of it was due to the affects of the SSRI drug and how much was due to the “sugar pill affect” – I don’t know. Also, SSRI antidepressants are very well known for reducing or even eliminating sexual desire.
Regarding his statements which on first glance look contradictory, here is a possible way of understanding them:
“I´m emotionally really unstable right now,” my emotions change and I get confused. Relationships confuse me; this is why often “I just want to be alone.”
I know you love me, I am sorry you are feeling badly. If I say “you´re still my favorite person in the whole world,” will you feel better? What if I say:”“I will always love you”- will that make you feel better? Sometimes I do love you, so it is true, although sometimes I don’t love you. Maybe what it is, is that “I don´t love you in a romantic way.”
Please don’t cry… look, “If I´d be in a relationship with someone, it be you” except you are so far away,“the distance was too much for me.” And no, no- none of this is because you are older than me, “I still find you incredibly sexy!” It is not about you at all, ” I just can´t be in a relationship right now.”
From your description, he is suffering indeed from depression and he has a long way to go to heal. He has to find competent therapy and then persist in the process of healing for many months, maybe a few years of perseverance and commitment to therapy.
When he was willing to move mountains to be with you, he was very motivated. But then the mountain of long distance, for one, was too big of a mountain for him. His anxiety/ depression were a range of mountains to difficult for him to climb. And SSRI drugs, like pairs of scissors, cut off emotions, including motivation (to climb mountains).
Reads to me that this relationship is not at all promising. I wish it was, because that would make you very happy, and you would be looking forward to a new life in New Zealand. Unfortunately, it doesn’t read like possible or plausible anytime in the months or years ahead.
January 29, 2017 at 8:55 am #126325Anonymous
InactiveThank you Anita,
Your words a very useful to me. I just feel so confused and really need external perspective to make sense of it all. He said that during a moment of clarity (while on antidepressants) which is when he broke up with me. that he saw things clearly for othe first time in months and that that´s why he dump me.
I battled depression while being iwth him and not for one second did I thought about breaking up with him. I loved him eventhrough depression, that´s why I find it so hard that he doesnt.
January 29, 2017 at 9:14 am #126327Anonymous
GuestDear regijones:
Not all-depressions-are-created-equal. His depression is different from yours. His lead to the breakup while yours did not lead you that way. Your two individual lives, from childhood and on, are different from each other. The particular fears are different and the solutions each found to those fears (however temporary or ineffective) are different.
For example, maybe your solution to your fears/ anxiety (which is probably in the core of the depression), has been to reach out to him for comfort, to dream of a new life maybe, in a new place. His solution, maybe, is to disconnect to anything he is associating with his anxiety. Your solution, in other words, is to connect MORE with him, and his solution is to connect LESS with you.
What do you think?
January 29, 2017 at 9:30 am #126331Anonymous
InactiveThat sounds ver acurate, it does seem like he’s built an emotional wall, but how do i bring it down??? I want to be there for him, i want to help him with his depression, how do i make him want to connect more?? Can i ??? You’re completely right. While depressed i looked forward towards building a new life with him in New Zealand or brunei or anywhere, i looked towards that and i feel like ive lost it all, i just love him soooo much i dont know how to get him back
January 29, 2017 at 9:45 am #126334Anonymous
GuestDear regijones:
I don’t think you can make him want to connect more. His first priority is to feel better. For him, he feels better not being connected to you. So he is choosing that.
Your priority is also to feel better. For you, you will feel better if you got him back-
But he CAN disconnect from you and you CAN NOT get him back. The reason he can disconnect is because all it takes is one person to disconnect- he did and there is nothing you can do about it.
On the other hand, you can’t get him back because it takes two people to get back together- he doesn’t want to and so, you can’t get back together with him all by yourself.
January 29, 2017 at 1:31 pm #126340Anonymous
InactiveThank you Anita, you´re completely right, he chose to disconnect. He told me: “being with you is too stressful for me right now, I can´t deal with our relationship and everything else in my life (depression)” I just don´t know how to move on. I feel like he left me on stand-by. Not knowing if we´ll get back together or not.
January 29, 2017 at 5:52 pm #126344Anonymous
GuestDear regijones:
He told you that being with you is too stressful for him “right now”- so you are thinking: maybe later. This is why you are on “stand by”- because he said “right now.”
He is (and has been, for a while) associating YOU with “TOO STRESSFUL”. Because you and him are long distance, how is this association going to change for him? I don’t see it. If he will be ready for a relationship, in the future, he will likely try it with a new woman, one who is not associated in his mind with “too stressful.”
I would say this relationship is over. As over as a relationship can be. So to answer your question: “Will he come back?” – my answer is Not Likely. Probably not.
I wouldn’t wait for him to change his mind and consider this relationship in the past. Can you plan your life without him?
January 30, 2017 at 4:01 am #126373Anonymous
Inactiveno, i can´t i love him too much
January 30, 2017 at 4:21 am #126374Anonymous
InactiveI told him, I would stop planning everything and I would move to NZ as soon as I get my visa, that I would change the things in me that stress him out. I am putting every cell in my body towards being less controlling about the future and just letting go more. I told him that I´d move there if that´s what required for us to keep being together.
January 30, 2017 at 7:04 am #126381Anonymous
GuestDear regijones:
So you are planning on moving to NZ even though the relationship is broken up?
You mentioned a Partnership Visa to NZ- how can it be a partnership-visa if the relationship is broken?
February 3, 2017 at 6:26 am #126632Dee Dee
ParticipantDear, Regijones..
Don’t move to NZ.
From what I read, it seems like he is indeed is unstable at the moment. I am sorry you have to hear this, but the truth is, you are a burden to him right now. If he’s in bad depression, being loved so hard while knowing you can’t be a good partner, is a burden. The bigger your love for him, the worse you made him feel about himself.
Set him free. Give him some time. Let him learn again to love himself, stop texting him, find any distraction like new hobbies or activities. Don’t feel like he puts you on standby, don’t, it’ll also makes him feel bad. If you really love him, just move on with your life and be happy instead.
Love is the most complex thing in this universe, but it is also the most simple thing. Have faith, stop forcing things. Sometimes you just have to give in and let things happen. If it’s meant to be, it will be.