So I had always been a people pleaser, especially when it comes to religion. I live in a neighborhood with a whole bunch of different religions, so there’s always a lot of violence. Each side makes threats to the other side. Christians are arguing with Atheists, and Atheists are arguing with Christians. I feel like I am forced to do both at the same time, which is impossible. When ever someone tells me to be a Christian, I start thinking that I am a Christian. When ever someone tells me to be a Atheist, I start thinking that I am a Atheist. I have always let someone else make decisions for me throughout all of my life. I don’t know what to do.
For example; a Christian group was arguing with an Atheist group on Facebook the other day. In order to make them happy, I messaged each of them that I was in favor of their group. When they each posted I was agreeing to them, they both argued even more. I had to lie because I thought it would make them happy and it solved nothing.
I easily learned that becoming an Atheist AND a Christian is impossible. What should I do? All I want to do is make others happy.