
How have internet forums helped you?

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    Self-expression for me. I’ve learnt how to expand on short answers. It has helped me think things through better. There is a lot of unfinished business in my head that I need to attend to.
    Feedback helps me when it is constructive too.
    I’ve met some great people on the net. (not met them in person though) it makes me realise we truly live in a globalised world. I can connect with people who are similar to my personality, lone wolves who have a similar view or at least can understand mine. I feel less lonely knowing that I am not the only one struggling in this life.


    um……. yeah. I’m scared of putting myself out there – I mean inasmuch as… I don’t like telling people my stuff. internet places are a good place to anonymously post your stuff and when someone asks you questions and listens, it’s very validating.

    just a place of acceptance I guess. I used to love moderating that website from years ago because it also met my mothering needs and ‘bang your heads together’ needs haha. I also learned a brilliant way to handle trolls.

    I’ve internet dated.

    I guess a place of togetherness – you know I mentioned about having friends for different aspects of your personality? well you can do that online much more readily.,


    Dear Jack:

    I like this website, the written word communication here because I communicate way better in writing than in person. I need to SEE the words. Hearing words, those words often slide down my ears without getting in.


    OK I won’t become a troll here then. 🙂

    written word for me too

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by jock.
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