I had an eyelid surgery (ptosis) on my left eye 1 year ago. Since then, I can’t fully close my eye and tape it before sleeping. I used to meditate back then. Now I so strongly need meditation but I can’t. I can’t. When I’m stressed I try to close my eye and calm but instead, become more stressed and sad because I feel that I can’t close my eye. I’m planning another surgery but this is whole other story. The fact is, I can’t meditate. My eye is only half-closed and I have to force it to close fully but this distracts me. Do you know the ways of meditating without closing your eyes? I need it.
I hope your surgery recovery continues. For eye open meditation, consider Trāṭaka. Searching YouTube or google for it will give more detail, but the basic idea is pick an object (such as a burning candle, mandala, picture of a buddha, etc) and use looking at that object as the focus for the meditation.