
How to take a break in a relationship?

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    I need an advice on how to take a break during a relationship where you feel super exhausted and frustrated from being neglected and ignored by your partner? How to overcome the constant crying feeling? How not to feel sad and bad?

    I decided to switch off my phone for 3 days started from today (we are in different countries now), and just take a break. I want to stop crying all the time, even when I do the things I love (sports) or working. I reached a point when I cannot put any effort at all. That I am the one who needs some love, I already give so much. I am very tired. I love him so much, we both love each other, but it has been 20 days now, when everything is not normal. And, during our relationship (3 years now), I have been compromising and exert so much effort.

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