1. The Absolute- the most essential object or concept for believers
2. The World- Each religion has a particular view of the world- friendly, unfriendly neutral etc.
3. Humans- What are human beings? Are they animals with souls or not?
4. The Problem for Humans- Every religion defines a major problem for humans- Something is wrong that needs to be corrected
5. The Solution for Humans- What would make human lives ideal?
6. Community and Ethics- Participation in like minded groups to reinforce standards of conduct
7. An Interpretation of History- Each religion tells a story from the beginning of a people of faith
8. Rituals and Symbols- Symbols are believed to share in the power of what they represent- they convey the power of what they represent. Rituals are actions repeated according to exact required order. Rituals and symbols are often used together , helping believers experience more than can be expressed in words.
9. Life After Death- Most religions answer the question of whether a human will live again after death.
10. Relationship to Other Religions- How should people of one religion relate to others from a different religion?
11. What branch of buddhist do you follow?
12. Who is Buddha?