
Just can't seem to feel happy anymore.

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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    My story started about a little less than three years ago. That year started out by a break up of a 7 year relationship that i did not see coming. That year was the hardest i think i have ever lived through. Besides being devastated from the break up, i lost a good friend that year, my grandfather developed cancer and passed away very quickly, and to top it off i watched my dog get hit by a car (luckily with surgery she is still with me today). With in that year I took up paddle boarding, i took many yoga classes, i made it a hobby to go to the beach in the morning and in the evening to take pictures of the sunrise or sunset. In the passed three years i have been on many dates and have gotten to know a few good people some have remained friends and others i do not talk to. All of the relationships i have been in have had some sort of flaw or block that has had the relationship not work. Being it was that they thought i lived to far away for them, I worked too much, One GF went into depression because she blamed herself for killing her dog, one person didn’t tell me that they were terrified of dogs until after a few dates. when I said i would be there for her if she wanted to over come her fear. What i got in return was “Don’t get too attached to them, they don’t last that long”. My latest attempt of trying to find love was with a former coworker. I connected with her when she had been gone for a while through a dating site just by chance. We dated a few times to find out she was going to be coming back to where i work again. So she broke it off. When she started again we connected and have wanted to date each other but cant because of management would not like it. I somehow find myself finding people who are not for me and it has taken a toll on me. I want to so badly keep looking and dating but at the same time i am tired of putting myself out there only to be let down or hurt. I go to the exercise regularly, I eat health and organic, I have signed up to adopt a road by me, and i enter into paddle boarding charitable fundrasiers/races. I have read through a good amount of blogs here and have taken in what was written, if applies. I just dont know how to change/adjust my mindset to be a better happier person. It just seem like im always getting knocked down.


    Dear BJ:

    I hope you feel better soon enough.

    Let’s look closer, if you are willing, into one of the relationships that didn’t work out. You wrote about one of those: “one person didn’t tell me that they were terrified of dogs until after a few dates. when I said i would be there for her if she wanted to over come her fear. What i got in return was ‘Don’t get too attached to them, they don’t last that long'”-

    Was that the end of that relationship- her statement that you quoted? What bothered you about the statement she made?




    We just stopped talking after she told me I don’t understand her fear.

    I have two small Frenchies one will be 9 and the other is 2. If you look on my Instagram gram page you can see the “bjgardentotable” The one that is 9 is my heart and soul. The said what she said twice to me. After the first time she said it. I told her everything dies eventually and that it is the time spent with them that is important. I felt like she really didn’t have a heart. Something so close to my heart and she is telling don’t get attached.

    Thank you


    Dear BJ:

    I understand. She told you to not get attached to the dog you are already very attached to- a cold statement indeed, coming from her past hurt still seeping into her present (then).

    The last relationship not working out is understandable, it endangering employment.

    To get better results dating, maybe you can take a break, come up with lessons-learned and how to approach dating in the future using those lessons-learned. Re-do your dating strategy?




    Thank you, I have already taken down my page on a dating site that I was on.



    You are welcome, BJ. Post anytime.

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