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- This topic has 39 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by
April 12, 2017 at 9:10 am #144717
ParticipantWow thank you Anita, even for the short post itself.
I wish you understood how every couple of months I have a doubt that I doubt myself STILL about that topic… I’ll go around in circles “am i forgetting something?” “did i purposefully take it out of my memory?” “oh I remember I showered with my biological dad once, maybe it was then and I can’t remember?” “omg what if its when I used to sleep with my grandparents?” I seriously have doubted myself for long thinking that my OCD developed because I was triggered… I never even thought that at such a young age my mom MAKING me doubt myself, would be the cause of this. And its true. This is was really the first time I was doubted about something that was so detrimental. I do feel for her though, I know it is a natural mom’s response to be open with your kids and ask questions and assume the worst considering many kids never talk about it when it is happening to them. One time she even told me she would get divorced if I told her… like do you know what that does to a 10 year old? Like that I was capable of making up some lie (my ocd made me think this way) and that my whole family would be torn apart? Crazy to even think back on it and it was so much scarier in the moment because I have NO CLUE I had OCD and what it even was, I literally thought I was crazy for thinking my thoughts. But just wanted to say that itself just made me feel so much better…. I was tossing and turning at night wondering what your response was going to be, and it was great to wake up to that.
April 12, 2017 at 9:18 am #144719Anonymous
GuestDear Danielle:
You wrote: “i hate that it’s 2017 and I’m stuck dealing with 2015 issues.” – you are stuck with the issue that happened when you were 10, not two years ago.
You wrote: “she (your mother) thought something had happened to me and would question me and question me constantly asking if I was hiding something and I could tell her anything… I KNEW I wasn’t hiding anything, I knew nothing had happened to me… but since she kept questioning… she didn’t believe me.”
Your mother at that point, and for a long time, was focused on her thought that you may have been sexually abused by her then husband of 4 years or so, your stepdad. That was her obsession. In her complete focus on her obsession, she didn’t see that she was severely injuring you. She didn’t SEE your distress at her questioning; she didn’t see your fear. She saw nothing, cared for nothing but one thing (did-my-husband-sexually-abused-my-daughter).
The injury she caused was severe because of your age, you were a child and she was the most important person in your life, your mother. It doesn’t matter that she was a young mother, to the child that you were, a mother is a god of sorts.
A child doesn’t have the thinking objectivity to evaluate a parent’s thinking as accurate or not. A child naturally BELIEVES a parent. Yes, you knew your step dad did not abuse you, but once she doubted you, you were no longer secure in that knowing. You doubted yourself.
When your mother finally believed you- she was free of HER obsession, but your OCD was born and alive.
Again, I will cut this post short, for manageability. Next post to follow.
April 12, 2017 at 9:37 am #144721Anonymous
GuestDear Danielle:
You wrote: “I am a very honest person, I cannot HIDE anything, it drives me crazy unless I tell the truth. … I feel like I have to tell her (your mother) everything… i tell her EVERYTHING. just like I tell my boyfriend EVERYTHING, even things he doesn’t need to hear, like my previous experiences with men etc. But I feel guilty not telling him, I feel guilty… I am a big confessor.”
You keep confessing because you are still confessing your innocence. It is as if you are telling your mother again and again, still: I-am-not-lying.i-was-not-abused!
The injury is not only doubting yourself. It is also the betrayal, being thought of as lying, by your own mother. When she doubted you, you felt distress. A child needs to be believed by a parent, not doubted. You needed your true thoughts and feelings to be accepted as they are, not rejected, questioned, interrogated. In her focus on her obsession, she betrayed you: she rejected your true thoughts and feelings.
You wrote: “I just have a lot of integrity for myself and i never want anyone to think I’m lying.”- It hurts to be thought of as lying. That hurt from being 10 and thought of as lying still exists, understandably. So, you confess, like a criminal, under ongoing accusations. The thinking is something like this: oh, oh, I better confess X, otherwise they may think I a lying… oh, oh, what I just said may sound like a lie because I didn’t mention Y, so better confess Y.
Next would be my last post for now.
April 12, 2017 at 9:49 am #144727Danielle
Participantits amazing how you don’t know me but you are so wise that you are able to put this all together. Are you going to be able to tie this to the incident with my boyfriend?
April 12, 2017 at 10:03 am #144729Anonymous
GuestDear Danielle:
You wrote: ““He (your boyfriend) runs to my house immediately after BUT DOES NOT TELL ME.… he lied for a YEAR every time I asked him… now I obsess that everything he is telling me is a lie, or that he has all of these MILLIONS of lies.. THE LYING FOR OVER A YEAR……I find myself being scared that he might be hiding so much more…I guess my major issues are that he lied for so long… I obsess that there must be SO MUCH more he’s lying about if he was capable of lying about that one incident … What if there is an incident that I don’t know about and I don’t ask about SO he doesn’t tell me?? That’s my worry. And it’s an everyday worry of mine.”
“He has proven to me that he really has changed?… Do you think he really is capable of changing?…he has changed so much…(I am) obsessed with him reassuring me that he’s changed… I know he has changed…Do you think what he did is unforgivable?”
I agree with your later analysis regarding the above: “… what my mom did to me, I am doing to my boyfriend… continually asking him if there is something else, and accusing him of lying to me, exactly what my mom did to me” You project yourself into him (the one being doubted), taking your mother’s role (the doubter).
Your quotes above also reveal your guilt: the part of you that doubts yourself believes you lied to your mother, that you are guilty of lying to her, and that it is “unforgivable”. That part believes you still need to change, to tell the truth/ confess, so to be forgiven.
Of course, you didn’t lie. So the guilt, the distress is based on a False Core Belief.
We can communicate further on this, of course. I have suggestions. At this point I will wait. I don’t know if, as I am typing this, if you read my posts of this morning (I didn’t check). I will wait, it is a lot for you to process and consider, over time, I hope. No rush.
May 4, 2017 at 2:14 pm #148075Danielle
How have you been? I have taken a couple of weeks offline so I can stop resorting to googling almost as a compulsion of mine when I am feeling anxious about my relationship. I would say that these last three weeks have been very good in our relationship! I have officially really stopped constantly asking about the incident with the other girl. I honestly feel good about that situation because I officially feel that I know everything and have no other questions to ask about her because I got what I wanted to hear, so I would say we have really moved on from that. The only thing, which is extremely normal after being lied to for such a long time (I understand he really didn’t HAVE to tell me because we were separated) but at the end of the day I did ask him for so long and he always lied to my face about it, so now I of course have trust issues. I find myself asking him occasionally is there anything else? someone else? I know this is annoying him and he constantly reassures me that it was not.
But I think my OCD has really attached to this situation and I don’t know how to UNattach it. I find myself going date by date that we weren’t together in our past making sure there’s nothing I’m not missing. A girls number, an uber trip, a message, text, anything. I go to my photo-albums and his to make sure I know which days we were broken up and if anything happened those days. All of this, and I still haven’t found anything. NOTHING. It has become a compulsion of mine to check everything and ask him all the time to make sure were in the place we need to be.
I also find myself freaking out over the stupidest things. I recently had a friend that her boyfriend confessed to her a year later that he had been with over 5 girls in their relationship (of course this got to my head and traumatized me that maybe my boyfriend is doing the same), at one point in talking about this with my boyfriend, he said something like “oh her boyfriend was TOO honest, poor girl” and my heart sank. I automatically freaked out thinking my boyfriend believes there is such thing as TOO honest. When I talked to him about this, he told me he thought her boyfriend was too honest in the way of being BRUTALLY honest to purposefully hurt someone. The guy told my friend how he danced with other girls etc and my boyfriend just said that is unnecessary when you’re telling a girl you slept with 5 girls.. dancing should be left out instead of being added to make this worse. Which I get, fine.
I just find myself constantly asking stupid things like “are you sure you didn’t even just get a NUMBER?” “buy someone a drink?” like I constantly just want there to be more thinking thats going to satisfy me, does that make sense? Not like if he told me any of those things I would break up with him, why I am obsessed with wondering if there is more?
Another thing my boyfriend does, that I think many people do, I even find myself doing it sometimes, is he laughs when I ask him questions. But previously, he has laughed and HE WAS LYING. So now everytime I ask him something and he laughs I think he’s lying and I obsess about it. He says he just does that, and that the questions are ridiculous and annoying and he just laughs sometimes but that doesn’t mean he’s lying, but my OCD makes me think otherwise. I know he’s asked me questions and Ill laugh and I swear I am being truthful, so I understand that.
Overall, I just feel like my OCD is really obsessing about this situation and making it so much worse. I find myself maybe twice a week being REALLY not in the present and drifting off, reacting to my OCD, asking questions, and just not having a good day. I know trust isn’t earned over night and this is a process that is going to take time to get our relationship exactly where we need it to be, but it really is like I just want it all to happen in one day and start enjoying life.
Another thing I feel is that I have a lot of resentment and haven’t really FORGIVEN him for lying and doing what he did, which is why its constantly bothering me. How do I find myself to forgive him, fully forget the past, who HE WAS, and just focus on WHO HE IS. Our relationship really was a mess I would say in the beginning, just because of the age, the environment, college for the first time, everything just made it a BAD time. So I find myself just focusing on how our relationship WAS and not how it is now and has the potential to be in the future. He seriously still till this day, has been amazing I could easily say every single day since the December. That is 6 months.. of no issues. I see him opening up more, us fighting less, no stupid break ups, drunk fights, anything. He admits he’s changed and he is never going to leave me again and he just feels so different about everything. I wish we could’ve started dating now instead of our freshmen year of college… or maybe just broke up for a month and just started ALL over, clean slate. But I really just CANT leave him now over how our relationship WAS it just seems like I would regret that for the rest of my life because he is everything I want at the current moment.
I just really think I need to learn how to trust, accept the process, not give into my OCD, and live in the present moment. But so much easier said than done? Any tips?
*leaving my boyfriend is never going to be an option because I love what we are now and the man he has become and I just want to fix myself and my anxiety and truly enjoy what he is currently giving me*
May 4, 2017 at 8:24 pm #148089Anonymous
GuestDear Danielle:
I am fine, thank you for asking. Good idea that you stayed offline so to prevent googling about your relationship. I am glad your relationship is well, excellent job, both of you.
The Compulsion to ask him questions so to ease the distress in your Obsession (he is lying to me about something else) is what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is about. Obsession/distress->compulsion/temporary relief. Back to obsession and repeat. Your Obsession changed a bit, from he lied to me about that particular girl to- he lied to me about another or other girls. And so the questions you ask him are a bit different, but it is still, of course, OCD.
Like I suggested before, if you avoid asking the questions (aka the Compulsion) you will weaken the drive to ask in the future (over time). You kind of starve the connection between the Obsession and the Compulsion that way. It will be more difficult to do when you are tired or otherwise distressed. But the practice will be worth it for you.
You have to deal with the OCD. I don’t remember if we discussed seeing a psychotherapist specializing in OCD? I also wonder if in psychotherapy you can work on the connection between your mother’s interrogation of you and your OCD interrogations of our boyfriend.
Your boyfriend reads like a fine young man and patient.. and loving of you. Nothing so far is suspect to me, nothing about his behavior and what he said to you. Everything you shared so far is congruent with OCD.
(I read your update, by the way) Post anytime, take breaks from online when you need to. Whenever you post on this thread (or a new thread)- I will reply.
May 13, 2017 at 9:53 am #149299Danielle
ParticipantAnita. I’ve been having a really bad couple of days and I think your great amount of knowledge can definitely help me and hopefully calm me down if you could explain to me what’s happening and how it really is my OCD once again.
I recently think I have developed a really bad episode of ROCD (relationship OCD). Let me give you a back story of my relationship. Where we live in college, I am with my boyfriend every single day, sleep with him every single night, he is my partner in everything and we don’t really hang out alone. Now, I recently last Friday, came back to my hometown where I find myself a lot less with my boyfriend and definitely with friends. All my friends are single and I almost feel that I feel guilty having fun WITHOUT my boyfriend. And my OCD attaches to this and says oh you don’t want to be with your boyfriend. You want to be single and enjoy life. You want to break up. You don’t love him. And I spiral out of control and get where I am now.
Another thing I notice, which I think is JUST NORMAL, is that I want other men to want me. I like going out and other guys thinking I’m beautiful and trying to talk to me. I have always been such a flirty person I get along with everyonw. and I feel that since I’ve gotten a boyfriend, I’ve lost that about me. I don’t have many guy friends, I don’t connect with random people like I always used to. But is there anything wrong with wanting to feel wanted by other men?? My boyfriend compliments me every second of everyday… it’s not that he doesn’t make me feel beautiful. He makes me feel more beautiful than anyone has ever made me feel.
Another thing I’m thinking is that we are going on a trip alone together in 4 days and my OCD is trying to get me to ruin it. This might be happening just sonmy OCD can say oh you’re not going to enjoy this trip you’ve been waiting MONTHS for and wanted for years with him. I’m in control and I’m going to ruin it for you. And what other way to ruin the Romantic trip than my convincing YOU that you don’t want to be with your boyfriend?? I find that my mind does that when I’m really happy.
Another thing I can say is that I am finally so happy with my boyfriend that it’s scaring me that this could be the guy I marry? He is so perfect and I am so young that it’s starting to scare me that I can really marry my first boyfriend.
Overall, I just have been really tense in my relationship and my OCD has really latched on to me believing that I want to be alone and I start panicking because I love my boyfriend so much. Another thing I can add is that we have BARELY been together this past week maybe 3 times for some hours but that’s it, so I can’t even reassure myself with him becusse he’s not around so my OCD is spiraling. Now we are on vacation desperately with families so I won’t see him for another 4 days either until we go on our vacation together.
anita please help me understand myself and these horrible thoughts and how I could not worry and feel better about myself and my boyfriend because he’s everything I want and I love him so much and I hate having these thoughts. By the way, I talked to him about all this and he says he understands but that he never wants other girls to think he’s hot. And when I told him he asked me if I wanted to be alone because he thinks I think I’m too good for him and that I’m acting like I want to break up and that’s what KILLED me, he told me what my OCE was telling me, and it’s brought me to the lowest point of this week, and now I’m freaking ou. I can’t believe he thought this. It’s like the incident with my mom when she asked me the questions my OCD was convincing me was true and it made me lose my mind and I got really bad anxiety for days.
please help as soon as you can. Thank you ALWAYS!!!
May 13, 2017 at 10:27 am #149301Anonymous
GuestDear Danielle:
You are welcome. Yes, everything you describe is congruent with OCD. Keep in mind that competent psychotherapy is out there for OCD sufferers like you. Not all are, but there are competent therapists out there who specialize in treating anxiety and specifically OCD.
Yes, it is normal to want other men to find you attractive. It is also normal for a young woman to be curious about experiencing relationships with other men and to not marry the first boyfriend.
It is, again, normal to have conflicts- to want X (your boyfriend, for example.. or an extra piece of cake), but to also want Y (future boyfriends… or to keep a lean figure). All people experience conflicting wants. It is not normal or natural to experience no conflicts, so don’t be alarmed when you do experience a conflict. If you are not alarmed when experiencing a conflict, you will feel less distress and less OCD.
It is very possible for you to continue to have a loving relationship with your boyfriend while suffering from OCD. Again, competent professional help would be best. But even with such help, you still have to practice skills on a daily basis, ongoing.
Avoiding asking (the compulsion) is one way to weaken, over time and persistence, the connection between the thought/ obsession and the asking/ compulsion. (I wonder if the following idea may work, you can try it and see if it does: agree with your boyfriend on asking him one question per day, and only one question?)
It is tough, dealing with anxiety, OCD. But you can do it as you already have. When you think an untrue/ distressing thought, correct it in your own mind- tell yourself the truth. Maybe you can make a list of those truths on a piece of paper, such as: conflicts are normal; it is okay to want X and Y. My boyfriend loves me, etc. and when you are distressed, take out this piece of paper and read those true thoughts.
Post anytime.
May 13, 2017 at 11:24 am #149307Danielle
ParticipantThank you so much Anita for getting back quickly. I know all these thoughts are normal but somehow they seem to freak me out. and I think it’s not OCD and that I just have an inuition that I want to be alone and I’m forcing something. Do you think there is a reason that EVERYTIME something really good is happening or is going to I freak myself out? Thinking that my OCD is going to ruin my happiness. Like this is all happening because I’m going on a trip with him and my mind doesn’t want me ENJOY it. Why does OCD do that??
its just scary to think what if I don’t want to be with him and I’m forcing it??? I start panicking. And then I really start panicking when I notice that like I enjoy flirting… and I want guys to want me. NEVER do I want to cheat ever I could never I would panic, but I want them to like WANT me and flirt with me and be just be able to say oh haha sorry you’re not getting me, I miss doing that lol. And then when my boyfriend interpreted my OCD as wanting to break up…. And he single… and that he wasn’t good enough for me, it broke me. I couldn’t even sleep last night.
Ive always thought about therapy and started it at one point with a specialist but I feel like I’m always so good with just a couple of bad days a month that it sucks because I always think I’m fine. I hate that he can’t really understand what’s happening in my head.
May 13, 2017 at 11:43 am #149313Anonymous
GuestDear Danielle:
You are welcome. I can understand why your boyfriend is affected by the thoughts/ obsessions you share with him. You can’t realistically expect him to not be affected. This is another reason (besides weakening the obsession-> compulsion link) that you shouldn’t ask him about your obsessions because it doesn’t help you (more than a moment of relief at best) and it harms him and could harm the relationship.
Reads to me that the relationship is okay, for now. He is deeply attached to you, but curb your questions, eliminate best you can; be selective as to what you share with him: he can’t cure your OCD, can’t make it better, so what is the point of sharing your doubts/ OCD with him….?
You mentioned your intuition vs OCD. Intuition is “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning”- I assure you that for most of my life, I understood a whole LOT immediately, without conscious reasoning, that was NOT true. And since my healing process, I witness a whole lot of people’s intuition being incorrect.
You clearly love your boyfriend. You wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with him as you do if you didn’t love him.
Regarding ruining your own happiness with OCD, it flaring up when something good happens or is about to happen-
maybe it is like someone looking at a mountain and getting really excited about being on top where the air is cool and fresh and the view is magnificent. As you look up, you think: what if I fall on the climb up there, or what if the view is not that great and the air is too cold.
The anxiety increase can be because your brain is looking for all the possibilities things will not work out well. If so, it does that because in the past, when you were a child, you were excited about things, but then bad things happened. And so, now, your brain is trying to prepare you for those bad things.
What do you think?
May 13, 2017 at 12:21 pm #149323Danielle
ParticipantI can totally see how telling him was not the right decision. Now he might be insecure and now I might obsess that he thinks I want to break up and it’ll probably have a bigger impact on me than him. I just felt guilty not telling him. I felt guilty that I was thinking this and I almost just anted him to tell me yes sometimes I do want other girls to find me attractive and I thought I would feel better (temporary relief) but instead he told me everything I didn’t want to hear “I don’t do that, I only like to look good for you, I like being told we’re a good looking couple that’s why I like to look good, are you too good for me? ;9 you want to be single? And it KILLED ME. I told him I no longer wanted to talk about it because it increased my anxiety and I made it a real life issue and not an issue in my head like before.
About the childhood thing… a moment specifically doesn’t come to mind but I’m sure there are some stuff there? It’s just so weird it’s always happened to me. I remember I got a really nice car as my first car and the entire time I couldn’t be happy about it I was like did my parents really want to get me this? Do I deserve this? Do they have this kind of money? I never can ENJOY something without thinking bad about it. So I know I’m going to Mexico and I just want to have a good time and I was excited for so long and now I’m like what if I ruin it what if I have an anxiety attack what if my OCD ruins the whole trip and I can’t control it what if I act on my OCD and break up with him. What if I can’t have a good time because I’m so stuck in my headS I notice this every time I go somewhere exciting. I can say that my OCD random attacks as a young kid really did ruin HAPPY moments in my life transferring to a new school, summer vacation, etc. so I can see that I was excited about all of those things and my OCD ruined it for me . Getting a car, a dog, school, everything.
May 13, 2017 at 9:29 pm #149361Danielle
ParticipantI am copying that last message again because on several platforms it’s not showing that I wrote it and it says you were the last one to write a response 9 hours ago and I wasn’t. So my last message again:
“I can totally see how telling him was not the right decision. Now he might be insecure and now I might obsess that he thinks I want to break up and it’ll probably have a bigger impact on me than him. I just felt guilty not telling him. I felt guilty that I was thinking this and I almost just anted him to tell me yes sometimes I do want other girls to find me attractive and I thought I would feel better (temporary relief) but instead he told me everything I didn’t want to hear “I don’t do that, I only like to look good for you, I like being told we’re a good looking couple that’s why I like to look good, are you too good for me? ;9 you want to be single? And it KILLED ME. I told him I no longer wanted to talk about it because it increased my anxiety and I made it a real life issue and not an issue in my head like before.
About the childhood thing… a moment specifically doesn’t come to mind but I’m sure there are some stuff there? It’s just so weird it’s always happened to me. I remember I got a really nice car as my first car and the entire time I couldn’t be happy about it I was like did my parents really want to get me this? Do I deserve this? Do they have this kind of money? I never can ENJOY something without thinking bad about it. So I know I’m going to Mexico and I just want to have a good time and I was excited for so long and now I’m like what if I ruin it what if I have an anxiety attack what if my OCD ruins the whole trip and I can’t control it what if I act on my OCD and break up with him. What if I can’t have a good time because I’m so stuck in my headS I notice this every time I go somewhere exciting. I can say that my OCD random attacks as a young kid really did ruin HAPPY moments in my life transferring to a new school, summer vacation, etc. so I can see that I was excited about all of those things and my OCD ruined it for me . Getting a car, a dog, school, everything.
May 14, 2017 at 8:18 am #149387Anonymous
GuestDear Danielle:
Yes, often enough posts don’t submit correctly and the name of the last person posting doesn’t show on the list of threads. When that happens to me, after I just posted, I add a new post with one line: “didn’t submit correctly…”. Following that, my name shows as the last person posting on the thread.
Now, to the content of your last post: I am very familiar with OCD ruining life experience, raining on one’s parade. Anxiety does it. OCD is a product of/ a complication growing out of of anxiety.
Anxiety does not help in any way. It never does. It only harms.
It is only recently that I understood this point. All along, somehow, I believed that my anxiety was useful and that is why I gave it my time and attention. I wrongly believed that there was some benefit in it for me, as if there was protection in it, or the possibility of protection from danger.
But there is no protection in anxiety. As a matter of fact, there is danger in anxiety. Whatever we fear, when anxious about it, we add danger. For example: when you worry today about the trip to Mexico, not only the anxiety will not help your future experience in Mexico, but you are more likely to drive, or cross the street inattentively today and get hurt today, because you are anxious today.
Once you deeply understand and believe that there is no benefit to anxiety, none whatsoever, and only harm, it gives you a point of view about anxiety that can make a difference in your thinking, behaving and consequently, over time, in how you feel.
Your thoughts/ feelings?
May 25, 2017 at 9:52 pm #150726Danielle
ParticipantHey Anita!
Jusr wanted to write back since I came back from Mexico. The trip was amazing. I found myself many times in my head and thinking “am I faking this” “do I really love him” but I would never panic over the thoughts. When we got back from the trip, I find that it really went down. The like almost like the anxiety PURPOSEFULLY happened to see if I would have a bad time or if I was control and was not going to let it affect me. I also think the days together (7) made me comfortable again and I was sure of my relationship and really felt that love again. Now it’s been 2 days that I haven’t seen him and my anxiety I feel is back again….
it is so annoying because I think the root of the problem is that since I am with him every single day in college, I feel that this change (not seeing him everyday) is making me seem that I am not interested or in love anymore since I find myself fine being independent. How do you think I can overcome this? He writes me such nice messages and I can’t help but feel guilty feeling this way and constantly questioning my own feelings.
I have been waiting my entire relationship to be HOW is now… and now that he’s everything I ever wanted him to be it’s like I don’t want it anymore. That’s what my mind is telling me. Do you think I am just scared that since he is so perfect and I actually am probably the most in love I’ve ever been with him, I’m scared. Scared to accept him, scared to fall so hard, scared that I really might marry him and that I’ve finally gotten my dream guy. He is so amazing I can’t express it. And it sucks that I have these thoughts. I feel they only happen when I’m alone/without him. Like last night I freaked out over our past and got so mad again. And he helped me and answered everything I needed and we moved on from it.
I really just want some clarification from your point of view on why I’m feeling this way. Do you think it’s comethjng deeper? Do you think I really just want to be alone? Idk how to feel and I can’t express why I feel this way… and it’s horrible because it’s the happiest we have ever been and I want to enjoy the present and focus on this amazing relationship we have right now.
Thank you so much for your responses and really always helping me understand myself better than I can on my own. Hope to hear from you soon.