
Looking for a mom friendly job !

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    Hi I’m Shandrea and I refuse to settle for less even if I have a kid . I was a stay at home mom for 10 years child passed away . Now I’m looking for a job and I have a 9 year old and I been working around his schedule but it only pays the bills , I want to be able to afford for us to have social lives he can play sports I can afford to leave my house . I been applying for work from home jobs it’s either I’m not qualified or I don’t have the equipment. I am here for support I don’t think I received much growing up but now that I’m a parent I know It’s ok to ask for help . Working from home is my best option. My son is in school from 8am till 3:05pm .  I’m open to suggestions about anything I just don’t want to feel stuck or like I’m not making any progress .


    Hi Shandrea

    Well you could set up a “go fund me” page just google that for the equipment you need. Fling a link up to it on social media. Other than that, it sounds like you need to study figure out funding for that. Sadly these things often take time to resolve. I’m studying part-time while raising my baby son.

    If you were interested in studying I would do some research into qualifications that cost the least money and take the least time for what it is that you’re looking for. There are some surprisingly quick options. For example ESOL teaching people English is doable from home and it’s a very short course. Counselling qualifications are similarly short. And these trainings might even be found virtually if you’re lucky. It honestly depends on how much money you want to make and what it is you want to do. I’m sure that there are other options. My friend did debt collection working from home. It’s depressing but it pays and it’s easy to get a job in.

    Of course, use any assistance programs available to you. Lighten the load, every bit helps!

    I wish you guys the best of luck!

    Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏


    Dear Helcat ,


    I can buy the equipment, I have a part time job , I would give debt collection and counseling a try . Also Esol teaching sounds good . I


    Thank you Helcat !! Best Wishes to you too !!

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