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April 17, 2020 at 10:38 am #350008
I apologise in advance as this is a long read.
I am an 18 year old female and for 8 months I dated a 22 year old male. In the beginning when he courted me I sometimes cringed but grew to like him as we got along well and related to each other; it felt like I had finally met someone who understood me. (I went through a lot of struggles with friendships in high school which were often likely my fault as I had a very low self esteem but that’s another story) Before meeting this boyfriend I was somewhat infatuated with a man who did not have much interest in me other than to shag me, which I soon worked out and was very upset and disappointed (I realise in hindsight I was quite naive, but at the time I really believed this man to be different to others and I had such a wonderful idea in my head of who he could be). A few months into dating my boyfriend this other man texted me out of the blue, and I told my boyfriend straight away. I knew at the time I shouldn’t let the man get in my head as I was in a happy relationship. But a month or 2 goes by and he continued texting me about once a week and I always eagerly responded. During this time my boyfriend and I were going through troubles which heightened my interest in the other man. I repeatedly told the other man that I had a boyfriend but a couple times I would say something borderline flirty which I still feel disgusted by. My boyfriend and I continued to have struggles and I eventually asked the other man if he wanted to catch up. I told my boyfriend about this except I said that it was the man who asked me if I wanted to catch up, not the other way round. He was rightfully uncomfortable about it and suggested I block the man, which I did. A few months later and I was still somewhat unhappy in my relationship and feeling lost in life. (My boyfriend was going through personal struggles at the time too and I always tried to be there for him, but I too was struggling as I had recently moved to a new city and wasn’t sure if it was the right choice). It felt like I had lost feelings for my boyfriend; I rarely ever wanted to have sex with him and was often irritated and annoyed with him for no good reason. I began thinking about this other man again and I reached out to him and asked him if he ever liked me for more than just sex. He gave a bit of an unclear answer which I assumed was a polite no, and so I blocked him again and didn’t tell my boyfriend I did this. Problems in my relationship continued to stir and I had not seen my friends in a long time so I caught up with an old high school friend (a male who I used to have a huge crush on, but we were very close friends and he is assumably gay now) but I lied to my boyfriend, telling him I caught up with the male friend and another female one (as my boyfriend thoroughly disliked this male friend after a bad experience with him at my birthday party a few months prior). I felt horrible and a week later told my boyfriend the lies I told about the first man and hanging out with my male friend. I realised how selfishly horrible I’d been and I decided my boyfriend had the right to know; whether he’d break up with me or forgive me. We struggled for a few weeks, and although he forgave me he had a lot of trouble trusting me as I was reluctant to tell the whole truth straight away (I told him that I used to question my feelings for the first man and I told him I lied about hanging out with my high school friend, but I did not tell him that I also lied about being the one to ask the first man if he would like to catch up and also that I texted him months later). When I confessed the first half of my deceives, my boyfriend made me promise that was all I was hiding, which of course I was lying about when I promised, and a few days later told him the whole truth. (The whole process was terrible, I cried and cried and cried and he was quite miserable). A month after the initial confession we were still struggling but trying to make it work, I had been doing some hard thinking as I did not want to hurt him any longer, and I still felt very unsure of my feelings for him. So I decided I was still being unfair by staying and told him that he deserved better. He was heartbroken and so was I but I think part of him was relieved (I don’t blame him). We spoke a couple of times after this and the last time he was quite hostile and believed that I might have physically cheated on him too and was hiding it, which I hadn’t, but I still am not surprised that he did not trust what I told him.
It has been a couple months now, and I’ve only felt worse over time. I feel like a horrible human being and I really am struggling to forgive myself. I felt disgusting for having lied so much. A lot of the time I feel as though I will never deserve a good love. I really try not to beat myself up but I can’t help feeling like I don’t deserve myself sympathy. Please if anyone has been through something similar share your experiences, or any advice with moving past this at all. I am feeling like I will never be okay with myself again.
thank you.
April 17, 2020 at 3:13 pm #350128Anonymous
GuestDear rainyhollow233:
My advice is that you write an essay on what you learned from your experience with your recent boyfriend and with the man with the .. shagging (new word to me, USA) interest in you. Prepare a first draft essay and share it here with me.
Just as a mother who beats her child up, makes it impossible for her child to learn, when you beat yourself up, you make it impossible for yourself to learn (from your recent experience).
So be gentle with yourself and write that essay, if you choose to, of course.
April 19, 2020 at 7:45 am #350490TJTeller
ParticipantDear rainyhollow233:
My advice is to forgive yourself for being young and human. You are carrying a very heavy load called “the past.” Set it down. Reliving it over and over will not change it. You are not a bad person. You did some things that were not skillful and you realize that. You are wiser now.
In any relationship the “me” and the “mine” and the “you” and the “yours” have to yield to the “us.” When the space between two people, the “us” is not cared for, things fall apart.
From what you wrote, neither of the situations you describe were built around two people working on “us.” Again, this does not make you a bad person. Do not let what happened imprison you. I promise you I have done things very similar to what you describe. I would go back over the events and back over the events and every single time I relived the mess I’d made, I felt worse. For me, the only way out was to set all those thoughts down and forgive myself. I did that through meditation.
If you haven’t come across the Buddhist Society of Western Australia, you might check them out. The head monk, Ajahn Braham has a lot of youTube videos and his meditation instructions are the best I’ve come across.
You deserve to be happy, to be free of pain, and free of suffering.