
Never dated and scared of missing out

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    Hello! I really need some insight and advice. The fact that most people seem to have their first boyfriend before 20, to see it in the movies and series that having a boyfriend in school is characteristic, hopeful of that time and everything seems “better lived”, makes me feel like I have not taken advantage of that time at all. I know I had a good time in school, a lot of time with my friends and my concern besides getting good grades was to have good friends. I want to look at those years in a positive way. And what happens to me now is to look at those 16-year-olds and think about how they’re going through these years, if they’re going to have a boyfriend, what are their ideas, are they bold, are they more confident. I’m 22 years old and i know i’m not old but i feel and see all my friends much ahead of me, they seem to be more adults: they want the next boyfriend to be the their future husband, they talk about becoming a mother… they speak always in terms “when we were teeangers”, “when we were in the age of weirdness and hopeless loves”… I hate it, i feel like a teenager yet, in many ways, and my lack of romantic relationships makes me feel like i wasted time and won’t ever experience love in that way. I always get scared and unconfortable when a guy seems to like me. I enjoy that they like me but that’s it. They never seem the right guy, i never feel that excitement to kiss them and be with them, i always with withdraw. It makes me scared that it will always be this way…



    Dear Maria:

    “I always get scared and uncomfortable when a guy seems to like me… I never feel that excitement to kiss them and be with them, I always withdraw. It makes me scared that it will always be this way”-

    – it doesn’t have to always be this way. The reason you withdraw from men is because you get scared. When we get scared of something or someone, we instinctively withdraw. Also, when we are scared, we can’t feel soft feelings such as affection and gentle attraction, and that explains why you “never feel that excitement”.

    It doesn’t have to always be this way because it is possible for you to look into this fear, understand what it is about, lessen it, manage it and move on to having a love relationship with a man.

    Would you like to look into this fear, what it is about?



    Thank you for replying!

    I want to be with someone, and i guess i’m a big romantic… still i try to be realistic. I always feel like they aren’t a good match, we are not compatible… Most of the times i tend to find something that makes me feel and shows me that he’s not right for me, that he’s not that incredible guy who i will love very much, be vulnerable with and be myslef. I want partner that makes “sense”, that feels right which never happens. I guess i also have a hard time identify myslef with most of my friends (although i like them) and colleagues, and so that tends to happen with guys i meet (not that i really get to know a lot of them, don’t know how to approach someone i don’t know with that kid of intentions). I get very nervous when someone tries to flirt with me and tries to get intimate. I feel uncomfortable, i get worried if i look awkward, if i kiss bad, that he will think i’m not that great… I always escape those scenes. I guess i’m not the most confident person in that area at all and the fact that i haven’t had a relationship by the age of 22 makes me even more insecure and not good enough in life.


    Dear Maria:

    “Most of the time I tend to find something that.. shows me that he’s not right for me, that  he’s not that incredible guy… I get worried if I look awkward, if I kiss bad, that he will think I’m not that great”- so on one hand you think that the guys you meet are not good enough for you, and on the other hand, you think that you are not good enough for the guys that you meet.

    Which one is more than the other: the men you meet are not good enough for you, or you being not good enough for them?




    I didn’t really see it that way, the idea of them “not being good enough for me” seems unkind, hopefully i’m not. They are good maybe as they are, but i do want somebody that has similar visions of life maybe, or that i really think is a great person, that “stirs something in me”. I guess maybe it’s more the first one you mention, although i feel my lack of confidence doesn’t help me meet more boys and approach as well. I tend to exaggerate my thoughts a bit.



    Dear Maria:

    You are welcome. If you did think that the boys/ men you met so far were not good enough for you to date- that wouldn’t have been unkind. Whatever we people think is not kind or unkind, it’s only our behaviors that can be kind or unkind. You can think anything you want and express your thoughts here without worrying if I will think of you as kind or unkind. I do want to know what you truly think because it will make it possible for me to get to know you better.

    “I do want somebody that has similar visions of life maybe, or that I really think is a great person, that ‘stirs something in me'”- can you describe to me such a man: what does he talk about, how does he behave, what does he look like or sound like, etc.?





    Thank you a lot for you words.

    I want someone who is open minded, doesn’t have a narrow vision of life, someone who thinks that you can work on one area and another completly different and that life is to experience it.

    Someone who is caring, and understanding. He speaks with excitment about things in life and is active. He’s kind, polite and very adventurous! I would like him to be okay with my taste of music and he likes children (but that’s for later).

    And obviously i need to find him attractive physically.

    Thank you.


    Dear Maria:

    You are welcome. You shared that you want a man who is kind, polite, caring, understanding, open minded, has a wide vision of life, a man who is excited about life, adventurous, believing that life is to be experienced, physically attractive, okay with your taste of music and likes children.

    I have two questions (my purpose for asking is to get to know you better):

    1. You wrote earlier that your friends are much ahead of you, “they seem to be more adults”, and unlike you, they had their first boyfriend before the age of 20. Do you perceive their boyfriends to be the kind of young men that would fit your criteria (being kind, polite, adventurous, etc.)?

    2. You shared that you “get nervous when someone tries to flirt” with you, “I feel uncomfortable.. I get worried if I look awkward.. always escape those scenes”-

    – when you encounter a man in your life, you become focused on yourself, on how you look, how you behave- so your focus is not on the man. How do you get to know if he is all these things you are looking in a man if your focus is on you, and not on him. If you are so uncomfortable when approached by a man, so nervous, how do you get to know if the man is open minded and excited about life, etc.?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by .

    Dear Anita,

    No they weren’t the kind of person who would fit my criteria. But they had those first experiments with dating in a point that everyone was having.

    I guess i don’t want somebody who’s rushing in life.

    Also i feel a sense of responsiblity when i meet them, and it puts me off…i want to feel “chill”.

    I do think i’m a bit judgemental when i meet them… i always find something that make them less appealing. Like you sai i don’t know i don’t meet them more but i just don’t know how sometimes

    Thank you





    Dear Maria:

    You are welcome. Is there any man that you know in real life (any one of your peers’/ friends’ boyfriends, anyone else) who does fit your criteria?



    Dear Anita,

    Actually there was a boy who i’ve known for a while who seemed to fit most of my criteria. He actually asked me to be his girlfriend on my 18th birthday. I was uncomfortable and scared of kissing, didn’t know how to act. He was very sweet but i felt a pressure on me and i was worried what people would say of me. I feared of being judged if i “showed” myself , that vulnerabilty that people need to have in order to have a relationship, you have to risk. And that was/is something that i have a hard time but only in relationships.




    Dear Maria:

    You shared earlier: “I get very nervous when someone tries to flirt with me and tries to get intimate. I feel uncomfortable, I get worried if I look awkward, if I kiss bad.. I always escape those scenes”, and today, when a boy who fit most of your criteria asked you to be his girlfriend on your 18th birthday: “I was uncomfortable and scared of kissing, didn’t know how to act.. I was worried what people would say of me. I feared of being judged if I ‘showed’ myself.. something that I have a hard time but only in relationships”-

    – reads to me that you have a great discomfort and fear of showing yourself in the context of physical/ sexual contact with a young man, as in kissing.

    What do you mean specifically by showing yourself?

    And what were you taught by your family, mother or father, about showing yourself and about sex? (this latter question may make you uncomfortable. If so, you can choose to not answer it at all, or to answer it without the details that make you feel most uncomfortable).



    Dear Anita,

    By “showing” myself i mean be myself completly, be vulnerable, not trying to impress…

    They never talked with me about sexBut lately, my mom doesn’t have problem in mentioning something about it, but she kind of expects me to know about most things…I mean my sister didn’t had a boyfriend when she was 15 and 16, didn’t have issues with it. I guess it’s different personality traits…



    Dear Maria:

    You wrote: “I feared of being judged if I showed myself.. something that I have a hard time but only in relationships”. Placing how you defined showing yourself in this sentence:

    I feared being judged if I am myself completely, if I am vulnerable.. something I have a hard tome but only in relationships-

    – do you mean that it is easy for you to be yourself completely, to be vulnerable with anyone and everyone except for men who are interested in you romantically/ sexually?

    (Your writing is not clear enough. Please take your time and edit your posts so to do your best to communicate clearly)





    Dear Anita,

    Sorry for my unclear writing.

    1. No, it’s not easy to be myself completely only with boys. I just think i fear to show that sort of intimacy and vulnerability. Also i am not someone who does casual. Maybe i’m a bit too perfectionist – trying to make the right choice; finding the “one”.

    2. I feel like people expect me to have some traits. For example, my sister portraits me in a way that i disagree and it upsets me a lot.




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