
Porn and my anxiety is killing my relationship.

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    Hello to everyone here. I’m mostly posting because I am not only a lurker on this site, but I’m at the ends of my ropes.

    My boyfriend and I have been living together for about one year now. We are our both firsts. I’m a 21 woman who suffers from deep anxiety and PTSD after escaping an abusive household. I’m currently in therapy for my issues.

    I’m not so sure how to explain this. Porn has been destroying me. I understand it’s completely human for my boyfriend to look at it. But it’s constantly causing me huge anxiety and panic attacks – like I’m terrified he’ll leave me or find someone better. The nightmares and always living on the edge messes me up emotionally.

    My boyfriend and I have been attempting to work with my issues. He’s the most patient guy I’ve ever known. But nowadays he’s grown tired and annoyed of me constantly terrified or crying or shaking.

    Last night was my breakdown when I was scrolling on my phone and discovered his page on a website  (we both know he “likes” provocative images of girls there) and the top of his page read, “[My Name], don’t look.” I felt my anxiety shot up and talked to him that it made me feel uncomfortable. (not to mention he put it so publicly?) He explained it was “a joke” and basically told me he put it there so I DIDN’T look through his “likes”. Which I get (I used to freak out with these things) but.. with how sensitive I am with this in the first place, it sorta hurts..? Like, he even made his profile picture a sexy woman.. like are you trying to make me have another panic attack on the off chance I DID find your page? But as soon as we’re on this topic, huge argument ensues, and I’m alone crying my eyes out until 5 in the morning. Then the next day we’re both awkward and trying to make the day better, but inside I’m just miserable.

    i just don’t know what to do anymore.. I can’t find inner peace or strength within myself always paranoid and living on the edge. I already have so much to recover from due to my abusive family, but then tackling with this sends me having meltdowns everyday. I could really use some advice, any advice.. please..

    Thank you so much for reading.


    Hi Vanessa,

    It sounds really stressful to be having meltdowns every day. What do you get out of staying in a situation that results in these meltdowns?

    It doesn’t sound like your BF will change. What can YOU change?



    Dear Vanessa:

    I think that the loving and kind thing for your live-in boyfriend to do is to produce no evidence of him liking sexually provocative photos of  women on websites, or watching porn. He has seen your suffering connected to these things and so, the right thing for him to do is to not cause you the suffering he already witnessed.

    Is it right for him to never again like such photos and watch porn because you suffer? I don’t know. It is a matter of personal choice, but for as long as he is choosing to live with you, and for as long as it causes you suffering (not mild irritation, but “constantly causing me huge anxiety and panic attacks – like I’m terrified …he nightmares and always living on the edge messes me up emotionally”), he should stop it, really.

    You wrote: “He explained it was ‘a joke'”- your suffering, your “deep anxiety and PTSD after escaping an abusive household” is not a joke and should be taken into careful consideration.

    Maybe you can explain to him that you are not trying to control his behavior in other areas, that you are not trying to police him in other areas, that you need his help in this particular area. Maybe he doesn’t fully understand the consequence-to-you of this particular behavior?



    Anita: Thank you so much for the response, I absolutely do appreciate this.

    Last night I slightly calmed down and attempted to speak about my issues with him. My problem is: I WANT to feel extremely comfortable within myself when he watches porn and find inner peace and never panic. However, tackling my recovery on my PTSD/anxiety, I’d prefer to NOT see his provocative images in the meantime so I can grow.

    I discovered last night, however, that he finds this entire thing ridiculous and emotionally exhausting. He finds it silly that I “cry” over these meaningless issues and continued to stamp that “Don’t look, [my name]” thing as a joke. I understood his frustrations and acknowledged everything last night.. but I still couldn’t shake that him “trying to joke” (and purposely?) try to make me have a panic attack is super insensitive..

    I’m considering speaking to my therapist that we do a couple session this week about this, because ridiculous as this is, how I feel is the problem and I’m trying to become a “porn positive” person, not attempt to control him. For now, I’m letting my thoughts and words collect before I approach him with this topic again..

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by V.

    Craig, thank you so much for responding.

    It doesn’t sound like your BF will change. What can YOU change?

    I understand that this can also be the solution to everything, but I’m willing to still work with my boyfriend before considering ending the relationship due to my inner problems. Despite what I wrote above, I know my boyfriend has good intentions, but I think he’s projecting his frustrations on me without realizing. I want to explain this through couples therapy, if I can help it.


    I’ll be straight up with you. He doesn’t respect you and the fact that he finds it *ridiculous* means that he’s not supportive.

    You are putting too much pressure on yourself. Your reaction to these things may not be very healthy, HOWEVER, it makes sense for you to react in such a way considering your past (1), what it has resulted into, such as anxiety and PTSD (2), and your level of self-esteem (3).

    Until you can get healthy and have a good relationship with yourself, you can’t have a good relationship with someone else. Right now, you’re trying to do way too much (save the relationship you have with someone who’s not willing to work through it with you while also trying to ‘grow’). You’re experiencing emotional overload. Good relationships require work, but they’re not hard and they don’t make people feel miserable like this. They’re also a two-way street. Trying to become a “porn positive” person is a surface level problem that would fix itself if you actually felt at peace internally and were with someone more understanding.

    The choice is yours.


    Hi V,

    I didn’t intend to come across as though “the” solution is for you to leave your boyfriend, or that I even know what the solution is for you. I have no idea, and no one knows what is best for you except you. Thinking about questions such as “What can YOU change?” can help to focus your thinking and energy on the enormous power already inside you when there is something you want to be different in your life (like the specific situation you’re posting about).

    It seem that one thing you have decided to change is speaking up, or speaking up more emphatically, through couples therapy that you think your boyfriend is projecting his frustrations on you, and that he doesn’t realize it. I think your willingness to speak up in this way is great! Go for it!


    Hey Craig,

    My apologizes on misunderstanding your last post, English isn’t my first language and I’ve been under major stress lately. I guess I’m not really so sure what could I change within myself.. u guess how I handle stress and my emotions because of this. Yes, I am considering couples therapy next week. I just really dislike feeling like my relationship and our communication is falling apart because of me..


    Hello LadyGalaxy,

    Thank you for this response and the honesty that came with it. What you’re saying is true, I am putting lots of emotional energy on myself. I will take this at heart and decide what’s my next step in bettering myself.


    Dear V:

    Going to couple therapy with your boyfriend is an excellent idea. Your healing from your PTSD is more important, is of a much higher value, than his pleasure watching porn. He has to stop it. And re-visit the issue in a year. This is my suggestion.

    I just noticed, part of the title of your thread is “my anxiety is killing my relationship”- how about the optional title: My relationship is killing my healing?

    Nothing is more important than your healing, your mental and physical well being. I sure hope the couple session will help him understand. Maybe a solution will be suggested that I can’t think of right now, one that will be accepted by you and him, one that will not stand in the way of your healing.

    And you are very welcome. Anytime.


    Tushar Rajan

    Dear V,

    We all have our highs and lows. Also a relationship is not a one sided affair, don’t know what makes your boyfriend look at porn even when he is with you,  seems deep down you know his gestures of not supporting you in your difficult times is a major red flag. I believe in a relationship private space is important , but not at the cost of the other person.

    Ya you are weak and get agitated by the slightest of hints due to your conditions, but isn’t it during these times we need all the support we can!!. What would you do if your BF was suffering and you went around doing things that he is doing now.

    I don’t mean to ask you to breakup or anything , but think if he is indeed the right one, and dear dont worry, things will get better, try to get your mind on different things, give your relationship some time, do something or anything that makes you feel better.

    (P.S don’t feel bad about what I said, just my  viewpoint)


    Tushar Rajan


    Total agree with LadyGalaxy. He doesn’t respect you and you deserve better.


    And you’re 21, you’re so young to be getting so stressed out! I myself suffer from anxiety and I dealt with the very same thing you are dealing with when I was the same age as you.

    I had an ex who was obsessed with porn. He admitted being into it and showed me his huge collection of porn on his computer after I made the mistake and opened up to him about my kinks. He then tried getting me into it which I did at one point but being an artist I preferred drawing my own porn. Haha which he on numerous times told me he couldn’t get into. Ha

    Porn in all honesty turns men weak. No, better yet, porn addiction DESTROYS men. There’s an excellent article on porn destroying men on the Menprovement website addressing this issue of porn destroying men and I totally suggest you take a look into it. Even some MEN are waking up to this fact and warn other men about it.

    So your boyfriend’s destroying himself and not only that, but lying to himself. Honestly, you don’t need anyone like him in your life. There’s someone better out there for you who actually holds your regards in high standing instead of mocking you like what this person you are dating clearly is doing.

    He is negative energy possibly an energy vampire and if you see yourself already as a person suffering from anxiety being with a person who beats you down and berates you about your feelings and does not take into consideration that he is hurting you, ditch him. Cut off this negative person from your life. As the saying goes, “there’s other fish in the sea.”

    When I finally dumped my ex, I felt a huge load lift from my shoulders. Sure I was sad that it didn’t work out but I knew that the universe had someone better in mind for me.

    Surround yourself with positive people of whom can uplift you and you uplift them, have a positive outlook on life, you have your whole life ahead of you at age 21.

    Believe me, as someone who has been on pretty much all anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications in the book, I am now MEDICATION-FREE. Changing my outlook on life has helped me tremendously.

    I stopped focusing on finding someone to make me happy and started focusing on getting ahead in life. I’m working towards a field of work I’m very much interested in. Self-studying and doing certificates online. I’ve met a very positive person who has helped me in so many ways I cannot describe.

    Sure, I can still be pretty anxious at times but it’s not as bad as how it was in the past. I’ve found ways to cope and get around it.

    V, your life will get better. Your anxiety will lessen. This will all be in the past and will be a learning experience for you. Protect yourself from people like your boyfriend. His intentions and actions do not benefit only exacerbate your problems.

    If you still want to stay with him, ask him to take counseling for his unhealthy habit. Talk to him and have him listen to you instead of pass the buck. If he agrees to it, than try to work on your relationship with him. If he doesn’t, then lose the loser. He’s not going to change not even for you.

    These are just my two-cents, but I think you deserve better.

    Best of luck


    Hi V,

    Lots of really good insight from people here! Honestly, my first thought when I read your post was that your boyfriend is a jerk. Sorry to be so blunt, and I’m sure he has his good qualities but his behavior is not supportive and doesn’t sound like what you need in your life right now. Maybe couple’s counseling will help. If he’s willing to go with you, that’s a great thing! It will be very telling what happens after the counseling because it definitely doesn’t sound to me like you are the only one that has work to do. I think it’s pretty awful that he would say you’re being ridiculous when you get upset about this stuff. I agree with the above posters about his lack of respect for you and I really like Anita’s reframing of your post title…it does indeed sound like this relationship is getting in the way of your own healing. How are you supposed to make progress getting yourself healthy when he’s constantly putting up obstacles and tests for you (even if this is not his intention)? I have relationship anxiety too and I understand how easy it is to blame yourself for these problems. And yea, anxiety is a bitch and that needs to be dealt with just for your happiness and peace alone. But he is a major contributor to the issues you are both having. He’s showing a complete disregard for your feelings. I wouldn’t be comfortable or want to see those images either!!

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