
Pregnant -what to do

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #392564

    I  am 32 was with someone for about a year . We spoke about having kids one day . The relationship ended but then I found I was pregnant . He said let’s get back together then dumped me a few days later . He says he doesn’t want the situation but will support me either way . He has been quite nasty to me and called me names at times, the relationship lowered my self esteem .

    I am torn as to whether or not I should keep the baby . If I do what obligation do I have to him ? He didn’t want me or the baby , but he is the the father . Any advice welcome .


    Dear Betsy:

    I am sorry that you are in this difficult situation.

    He has been quite nasty to me and called me names at times, the relationship lowered my self-esteem… He didn’t want me or the baby, but he is the father” –

    My two comments on this quote are: (1) If you have his child, he could be nasty to his child (your kid), just as he has been nasty to you, calling the child names and telling him/ her that he didn’t want him, or her, and more. This would definitely hurt your kid in so many ways, one of which would be your kid’s self-esteem,

    (2)  Fathers have legal rights, so if you have his child, he will have the legal right to spend time alone with his child, away from your presence and your supervision.

    How do you feel about what I expressed here?



    Dear Betsy:

    Did you figure out what to do? I would like to read more from you.


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