
Sad to leave my parents

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    In two months, i’ll be pursuiing my studies in another country, far from my home one, and i’m happy about my choices, but i’m really sad because i’ll have to leave my parents. Lately i tend to think of my childhood, my adolescence and how my parents took care of me in each step of my life, and i start crying right away. Other bad thoughts comes to my mind such as, “what if something bad happens to my parents during my stay away from home”, or “my parents won’t be around forever, how can i face that, i will miss them so much”
    It’s not like it’s the first time i’m gonna live by my own, i’ve already been away from home, but it has always been in my home country, which means, i could get to see them every weekend or at least every holiday.
    I know everyone should go through this in his life, that’s why I’m trying to heal myself by every way i could possibly imagine, like thinking, “what if i drop my projects and decided to stay with my parents, would i be happy about it? ” but in the end, this is still poisoning my life.
    How can i heal myself ?


    Dear Bluelagoon:

    I do not understand what it is you are trying to heal in yourself? Is it the attachment you feel to your parents, an attachment that involves worry? This is my first question so to understand what it is you are asking for.

    Second question would be: did you talk with your parents about your worries and what was their response or responses?

    Also, a third question: will you write about how your parents took care of you, the nature of their caring for you? I am often fishing for negatives which are very common, but not here, not this morning. I am open to positives just as much. Actually, I would love to hear about loving parents, adequate parents, good relationships between adult children and parents, that would be such a nice break from the unfortunate normal…


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