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    Good evening, everyone. How is everyone doing? I finally got my bank stuff sorted out. It all worked out in the end. I hope you all are taking care of yourselves. Have any of you taken social media breaks? I still go on my social media accounts, but I take more breaks now to help my mental health.


    Dear Aiyana Henderson:

    I read your post on your other thread and your new thread. I noticed some time ago that “Anonymous” replaced your name in previous threads and I was saddened by it. Good to have you back here! Also good to read that your bank stuff got sorted out. You asked if anyone takes social media breaks: I experienced a tiny buddha break today because a tree fell on a power line on this very windy day and I lost power and internet for the whole day. It was nice, relaxing. I spent more time outside and got mosquito bites (that is not nice!)


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by .

    That’s good, Anita. And I think it was good for me too. It helped me rediscover my path for life. Even though COVID-19 is still happening, I still want to travel all over the world. It’s one of my biggest dreams. I’m also almost done with one of my stories that I worked on for seven years called Human Grenades. I hope you heal from your mosquito bites.


    Dear Aiyana Henderson:

    Thank you. I hope you do travel all over the world and that you will complete your story Human Grenades. What an interesting title, I wonder what it’s about!



    I can tell you.

    It’s a forbidden love story revolving an Operainian and an Italian fighting against the council in Alia’s country. Alia travels to Italy in hopes that she will be free to live the life she’s always wanted. The problem is that she doesn’t know that Paolo is harboring some trauma and secrets of his own.

    I worked on this story for 7 years. I started it back in 2013. And as far as traveling goes, I’m not sure how restricted the borders are yet. I’ll have to keep watching the news and researching to find out. Have you ever traveled to other countries of the world?


    Dear Aiyana Henderson

    “Alia travels to Italy in hopes that she will be free to live the life she’s always wanted”.  Paulo- is he a man she meets in Italy? I traveled mostly in Europe and the US. In Italy I visited mostly Venice and Rome. But always preferred places away from cities.

    I googled Operainian but didn’t get anything- what does the word mean?



    Dear Anita,

    Yes, Paolo is a man that Alia meets in Italy. I’m sure Venice and Rome were wonderful. And the term “Operainian” is a word I made up to describe Alia’s culture. I am almost at 35000 words now! I hope that you have a wonderful day today, and feel free to ask me anything anytime!



    Dear Aiyana Henderson:

    No wonder I didn’t find any information on the term Operainian, a word you made up, fascinating! Thank you for offering me to feel free to ask you anything, anytime and wishing me a wonderful day. I wish you the same and as far as asking you questions, here is one: if you were able to travel the world at this time, where would you go first and what will you do there?



    Dear Anita,

    You can just call me Aiyana since we’re going on a first name basis. To answer your question, that’s a tough one. For a long time, I wanted to travel to Italy. Last year, one of my goals was to go to an island there called Sardinia. I haven’t quite found the exact reason why I want to travel to certain places. I always thought I wanted to because I love exploring other cultures. Hopefully, I can relax there too and away from the horrors that are happening in America right now. I found this link to learn more about the wonderful island.


    Relaxing on the beach sounds like a good idea. But before I do that, I need to save money. Traveling isn’t cheap. I also don’t know if it’s the right to travel due to Covid 19. I want to be 100% sure that I don’t contract it when the borders are less restricted.

    Do you know any foreign languages? I know Italian. I’m trying to be a polyglot.


    Dear Aiyana:

    Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea: the largest is Sicily, second is Sardinia and third is Cyprus. Of the three I was only in Cyprus. But I spent a lot of time in the Mediterranean Sea. In summer time the water is so very warm, a pleasure to be in it.

    Italian is the official language throughout Italy and the most widely spoken language in Sardinia, followed by the island’s historical language, Sardinian/ sardu (Wikipedia). As far as languages, I spoke French as a child but it’s been such a long time ago. I speak another language, other than English, but again, don’t have the practice anymore (neither talking nor reading). Without practice, one forgets.

    It will be nice when the pandemic is contained and civil unrest is resolved. You can then travel (once you can afford it), and hopefully.. (some day, over the rainbow, as the song goes) we people will always treat each other respectfully, as people equal in worth, no  less and no more than anyone.



    Dear Anita,

    I read your last message. It’s good that you know a lot about Sardinia. I published a blog post about my family. I’m usually a person who prefers to keep things private, but since I can’t go to therapy for mostly financial reasons, I figured that writing about my issues on my blog, Chameleon Black Woman, was the next best option. I know you’re probably tired of hearing this, but I still have issues dealing with them, mostly my mom and my stepfather these days. I’ll spare you the details of what happened, but I decided to just keep focusing on myself. I’m not going to live the rest of my life trying to get people’s approval on how to be an adult. I’m not a junkie, a prostitute, or someone who exhibits reckless behavior of any sorts.

    So I ended up telling my mother basically that it doesn’t matter what I feel and that I would just stick to my own routine from now on. I can’t keep doing this pattern of minding my own business and then stupid stuff gets in the way where I end up walking to the park to always calm down. That’s why I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing: apply for jobs, get income from my tarot card readings, and play that Word Relax game where I can get some extra dough. If you want a reading, my Cashapp is $pshakespeare and my PayPal is Provincialshakesp. I hope things are better at your end of the forest. My friend, Jason, is reading my Human Grenades book right now. I’m sorry I’m not in happier spirits.




    Dear Aiyana:

    I wish you experienced some peace in your home instead of the repeated upsets and distresses. I wish the relationships between the people in your household were respectful and considerate. Do  post here anytime, for as long as it is somewhat helpful to you. Personally, I don’t care for tarot cards and such. I wish you well, it will be wonderful to read from you ne day that you do live in peace, be it on your own or with other people.



    Dear Anita,

    I was able to get my spirits more happy today. I’m doing a Sims game challenge called the 100 Baby Challenge. I got the inspiration from a woman named Kelsey from the YouTube channel Buzzfeed Multiplayer. So far, I have 7 kids. I thought I was going to reach 10, but the other kids didn’t belong to the Sim. It’s likely that two of the kids are going to age up.

    Jason liked my story. He enjoyed the characters and said that my voice sounded really strong. How are things with you?




    Dear Aiyana:

    I am fine, thank you. Good to read that your spirits are “more happy today”!

    sims: a video game that simulates an activity such as flying an aircraft or playing a sport, so you have 7 kids, I don’t understand the type of sport or activity this game is about (I don’t think it’s a making-babies game, lol).

    Jason enjoyed your story, he said that your voice sounded really strong. That must feel good, to receive this kind of feedback, a really strong voice. I like the sound of it!



    Dear Anita,

    The Sims Game is usually fun. The challenge was made by someone else. I just followed them online and it seemed like a fun challenge to do. I’m on my ninth kid. They’ll be born in 24 hours.

    My youngest sister was a piece of work today

    I got frustrated with my job search. I had spent five years looking for a job and she gives this condescending speech on how I can’t give up and that her boyfriend applies for jobs. But what really hurt was the implication that I hadn’t tried hard enough to be employed. Before that, I had told her that I want to try to be self employed and just make my own money. To me, it doesn’t sense to keep applying to jobs if I’m not getting picked. What if ten years go by and I’m still in the same place? Also, are your travel borders opened? I want to get a passport to leave my country asap. I’m trying to go back to getting a driver’s license too. Thank God no one knows about that.

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