
Stuck with mixed emotions

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    I’m not sure where to begin with this long story so I’ll start from the beginning. Few months ago I met a guy online and we started chatting, we really clicked and our communication went well – we talked every day morning til we went to sleep. He lives in a different city than me but the distance is only about an 1,5h ride. We spoke about everything: our lives, work, kids, family, how we are very similar and would work well together etc. Whenever we chatted we always said that if something does come from this then it will take time and won’t happen overnight He told me about a crazy ex-girlfriend he has, who reported him to the police for hitting her (not true) and yet 2 years later she still calls him telling him that they belong together and she wants him back. She shows up at his door, contacts his parents. He showed me the texts she sent saying that he’ll never be happy without her and she’ll make him pay. Due to the police issue he has 1 more year of probation left so he is trying to act somewhat civil with the ex. These were the kind of things we talked about.
    After we had spoken for more than a month me and my friend decided to go to a party to the city he lives in, I told him as well and we met up that night. We chatted, danced and everything was good, end of the night we both went separate ways.
    After the meeting we continued to talk as always and wanted to meet up again. This time he came to where I live. He came alone and stayed at my place. He came on a Friday and was supposed to leave on Saturday but in reality he left Sunday afternoon. We had a good time together, watched movies, chatted etc. I did notice however that sometimes he was holding himself back, not letting his emotions show and being very reserved and distant, then he just forgot about it and was as he was.
    On that Friday night his ex called and we agreed that I’ll pick up so she’ll calm down and stop calling. Plan did not work, she kept calling him and asking if he’s moved on which to he replied yes. She didn’t seem that fazed because according to her they will end up together anyway and she doesn’t care who he is with now (mind you I heard their conversation because he put it on speaker).
    So he left on Sunday afternoon, left his toothbrush there and told me to put it in the cupboard. Later he texted me that his ex had texted his parents and is very active. Our communication was like it was for a few more days and then it changed just out of the blue. He didn’t reply and when he did it was very brief. He knows i’m very straight forward and if there’s something on my mind i’ll say it (he liked it). So I asked him what is going on. His reply was that he’s having a „break of somesort and for me not to worry that he’s not going to disappear“ . This answer calmed me down at first but then he did start disappearing and didn’t write at all. So a week later I asked him to be honest with me and to let me know if he ever wanted to meet up again and is he still interested in me. He said „Yeah, I think we might see each other again sometime in the future“. Conversation continued with me thanking him and saying that I just need to know and him saying take it easy and live in the moment. I said I need some indication and he replied „i’m not in the the mood to rumble about these kind of things“. Ok – discussion over. After that obviously the communication slowed down even more, I didn’t write to him at first but did send him some articles, songs etc with basically no reply. So over a week ago I wrote to him Hi, I could see that he had been online but hadn’t even read what I wrote so I got upset. I wrote to him that I’m fed up with that behavior, told him to enjoy his break. Also told him that I thought he was man enough to be honest with me but I was wrong.

    Week and a half has passed nothing from him (not surprised) however he hasn’t deleted me from anywhere. So here I am – heartbroken, haven’t cried that much in 2 years as I have in a month. Brain is telling me that this is over and heart keeps hoping that he will contact and it will continue. It’s affecting my life and I’m so overthinking things. I’ve felt so differently: felt used by him – blamed him, blamed myself for yet again scaring away another guy. I’m stuck and can’t think properly anymore.
    I need some clearance and closure and don’t know how to get it.


    Der Heielis:

    To get closure, clarity will help. For a bit of clarity on my part, let me know where I am correct and where I am incorrect about my understanding:

    This man has an ex girlfriend. He doesn’t have a child with her or common property, no legal or financial ties. There is no physical, romantic or friendly relationship with her. The only relationship there is – is she harassing him and him being harassed by her. She claimed in the courts that he hit her and the court believed her, issuing probation against him. The probation instructs him to not contact her, but is allowing her to contact him. And so she is legally allowed to harass him on and on, with no legal or practical way for him to protect himself against her harassment.

    Correct/ incorrect?



    Hey Anita,

    thank you for your reply.
    Yes – you have understood everything correctly. That’s the way it is with him.

    NB! Don’t know if it’s important but maybe I should add that he did voice his concern that his ex will find out about me and then will cause me troubles at work and make my life difficult as well.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Elise.

    Dear heielis:

    Did he ever mention to you that he has a legal right to be protected from her harassment; did he mention that he already complained to the police and/ or to the courts that she has been harassing him? Did he mention, or did you mention to him, that maybe he too has a legal right to be protected from her, to file a restraining order against her?

    What else did he tell you about her, about his past relationship with her and the court proceedings he experienced?

    Does he and you live in the U.S.? Europe?



    Yes, I did tell him but he didn’t want to hear about it. I also advised him to move (because she’s from the city that he is living in and it’s a small city) but he refuses to move and change his life because of her. A week after he was with me she was waiting for him at his flat building and they had a heated discussion. Altogether he said that he will live through the year and then he’ll be rid of her. He doesn’t want to upset her because it might end up with him being locked away.

    I know a lot about her and their relationship, how they met, how she cheated on him, what happened that night and what she’s been doing this whole time. About the court proceedings he told me in detail how it went: who was there and how it went down.

    We live in Europe and here it’s very hard to prove otherwise: if a woman says it happened then it did.

    As I’ve understood he is suffering in silence until the year passes. He might be still in love with her even though he said that he doesn’t have any feelings anymore.

    This whole thing is just such a huge mess and I do feel that it had some affect on the “relationship” we had.

    PS! I’m so happy I found this site and that you took time to answer. It feels so good to speak about it with someone neutral as my friends are all quite tired of me rambling about it to a point where I don´t even bring him up anymore.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Elise.

    Dear heielis:

    I am glad you are happy to find this site. To the topic: I understand your point that the ex girlfriend made an accusation and that all it takes for the courts to take action against the then boyfriend and issue a restraining order of sorts. What I don’t understand is: since she contacts his parents and calls him, is that not evidence that can be brought to court (phone records and testimony by his parents) that the “victim” pursuing, chasing after the “guilty” one is a reason for the courts to re-evaluate the case?

    It is possible that he is so scared of her, shaking in his boots, believing he has no power with the courts. It is possible he has no power with the courts, that he tried and they will not re-evaluate the case and are not open to hear new evidence. And so, she feels powerful (and is indeed proven all powerful by law) and he is, indeed, powerless, and proven powerless by law. And so he lives in fear of her: what will she accuse him of next and will he end up in jail.

    Did he try, I wonder, to appeal to the courts to re-evaluate the case by bringing evidence of her contacting him and harassing him in those contacts?

    And if she is legally all powerful, can she presently hit herself in the face, go to the police and claim he hit her while they met by accident? What would stop her from doing that?



    Hi Anita,

    He has not tried to appeal the case, he just wants to let it go and not go through with it.I agree with you 100% though, there are many evidences that would speak in his defense, even I would be a possible witness at this point. But as you wrote he is shaking in his boots and afraid she will do exactly like you wrote if he upsets her: “hit herself in the face, go to the police and claim he hit her while they met by accident”.

    As I said he didn’t want to talk about the counter actions that much (even though I offered several solutions) – he just asked me not to contact her myself.



    Dear Elis:

    If he is indeed shaking in his boots, as it seems like, I wonder why or how he let you talk to her on the phone, not being afraid that will enrage her…?

    There is probably more to the story than he let you know: maybe not that much more, but some. It may be that he did hit her and she had convincing evidence in that regard. But it may be that she hit him too (they hit each other). He is probably not the perfect victim- seems like if he was, he would have been a bit more angry at the injustice of this. She is definitely far from being the … perfect victim herself, chasing him like she does, threatening. There have been interactions between them we know nothing about.

    You certainly got attached to him after the online communication and then meeting him twice, second for a whole weekend with him leaving behind his toothbrush (a symbol of commitment of sorts). And then he distanced himself.

    You wrote that you blame yourself ” for yet again scaring away another guy”- how do you think that you scared him away???




    I do believe that there is more to the story and the truth lies somewhere between their stories – he is not as innocent as he claims but he is not as bad as she claims.

    I usually don’t get attached easily (it takes me a lot of time), on the contrary I don’t let myself feel emotions or get my hopes up in fear of it going wrong and not going anywhere anyway(very wrong mind set I know), so I don’t know what was so special about him. It might have been because we really did have a lot to talk about or it might have been that he showed interest in me and for a longer period of time. Over time I’ve become used to that most of the guys I meet only want me for one thing – they see me as a challenge, so they don’t invest time in getting to know me. I was probably overwhelmed that someone took time and interest to get to know me.

    This is one of the reasons why I blame myself – that i got attached and it all crumbled down. By scaring him away I meant that with the questions I asked him to get clearance for myself. Also as I mentioned above in the past the guys I get to know have a tendency to just disappear.

    This emotional state and thinking about someone is very out of character for me, as written above over time I’ve become numb in these life aspects and just shut this part of my life down. I haven’t had any luck with men – I either get used or I get turned down in the first phases.


    Dear Elis:

    Your mindset, not wanting to be hurt by men, is not the wrong mindset, like you suggested. It is not wrong to not want to be hurt yet again. I am sorry to read, your last sentence, that you “either get used or ..get turned down in the first phases.” I don’t think you shared your age. I wonder how old you are. And is it a matter of luck…

    You got attached to this man and I wish that one weekend extended to a lifetime of love, with that toothbrush as a symbol for the beginning of such life. Did you hope that too? And the fall from that hope, that is what you tried to avoid by not getting your hopes up.. becoming numb?

    Would you like to share how old you are? Are you living alone/ with parents? Working? Living in a small town where there are no opportunities to meet men? There has to be more than luck to this situation.



    Hi Anita,

    I am 27 years old (or young, depends on how you take it). I have been living alone for 5 years, I work full time in finance as a team leader and also own a small accounting company on the side. The town is quite small but there is possibilities to meet men plus I often travel to other towns.

    I was hoping after that weekend that everything will remain the same communication wise but perhaps we will get together more. I am a realist and know that relationships and love don’t happen overnight – guess I could say that I saw it as the first step out of tens towards the possible end. At the moment I feel like I lost a good friend (who made my day) and another possible love interest.
    I never get my hopes up, it’s easier to just turn my emotions off because I will get disappointed anyway.

    In the past few days I have acknowledged that I have daddy issues and I am trying to work them out. Combination of that , plus my distrust in men, somewhat shiness and overall questionable taste in men is what has left me in this situation.



    Dear Elise:

    You started your thread with: “I’m not sure where to begin with this long story so I’ll start from the beginning. Few months ago I met a guy online..”

    Well, that was not the beginning. Your relationships as a child with your parents is the beginning. You mentioned “daddy issues”- did you attend to these issues in therapy so far? Elsewhere?

    It is impressive to me that at 27 you’ve been living independently for as long as you have, financially taking care of yourself. The relationships with men is the problematic area in your life.

    Would you like to start from the beginning: your experience with your father/ mother when you were a child?



    Dear Anita,

    You are correct that is not the beginning beginning.

    My parents got divorced when I was 2 years old on my mother’s initiative. I did have a relationship with my dad but he was a very negative person – always putting me down and not caring about me at all. He was boasting about me to his friends and other relatives but to my face it was very judgmental. We had a huge fight 6 years when I finally had enough and we haven’t met or talked since – and I’m glad since he only brought negative emotions.
    Whilst I was growing up I had 2 step fathers – first in my younger years. A man who was very firm and possessive. Second one in my teenage years. He was a casino addict and long story short when he was in the casino zone he flipped out. This ended up with me protecting my mother from his aggressiveness and throwing him out (he was afraid of me). All my life it’s been my mum and me sticking together through thick and thin – we’ve had some rough times financially and emotionally but we always overcame them and to this day we are very close and talk about everything. 3 years ago my mother met the most wonderful man and she is very happy. His new husband is very protective of us and thinks of me as his own daughter (so do his parents) – he is exactly the father I would have liked to have my whole life. He inspires me and boosts my confidence – he has had a great effect on myself and my mother too.
    It’s not like I grew up without any good male influences. I have 2 uncles who I know are always there when I need them. Up until a few years ago I had a very close relationship with my grandfather. But after my grandmother passed away he found a girlfriend and disappeared from our families lives.

    I have gone to therapy in the past but achieved a point where it wasn’t necessary. I was diagnosed with depression age 18 so that’s where it started, overcoming that we worked on my confidence issues and then it was brought up I have daddy issues. I also didn’t trust men: when I was 12 I was groped on public transport by a group of 18-year olds and nobody helped me. While living abroad I was forcefully taken by a stranger at a party (luckily I woke up almost immediately). These all contributed to the fact that I couldn’t even speak to men face to face or stay alone with them. It took me years to get over it. It also took me years to get intimate with someone – to trust someone enough.
    My confidence has grown tremendously over the years with a huge thank you for that to my stepdad, mother and friends (and therapy)! I no longer suffer from depression, if I do have the moments where I’m slipping back I have excellent friends who see the signs and drag me out of it. I can talk to men in a normal matter and am not scared of them.

    Overall my life is good to be honest – everybody has had issues in their past: the family I have is very supportive, I have very good friends, a job I love, I’m financially set and very independent. It’s just the one aspect – love – that hasn’t worked out for me at all. And the one thing does bring me down a lot because I definetly want to have kids and a family. I’m also getting tired of being that independent, I’ve always been strong and taken care of myself since I was 17 (my mother was there at all times, but I’m just an independent person) but now for some time I really want someone to take care of me as well. SOmeone to support me like my mother’s new husband does.

    I think these are the key issues put as shortly as I can, there are more details but there’s not enough room for those and I feel they are not as important.

    Thank you once again for reading my thoughts and thinking with me – it has already really helped me 🙂


    Dear Elise:

    You are welcome and I will keep thinking then, thinking as I type:

    I understand your life is good, like I wrote, your independence is impressive to me and I am glad your mother encouraged it, motivated you to be strong, so that you were able to help her, combine efforts in making her life better and make you strong.

    Often mothers don’t do that: they destroy their daughters and in doing so, do not benefit themselves from the great help a daughter can provide, if not damaged.

    Notice I write how your mother benefited from your alliance throughout her struggles with three marriages. You benefited too from that alliance only you paid a price for it in this one area: relationship with a future man.

    I understand your experiences with being groped and such influenced you as well, later. But back to the most influential years of our lives, those Formative Years:

    When your mother struggled with the three men in her life, you struggled with her. For a child there is no separate self: there was no Elise, one person; mother, a separate person. The two of you were a unit, in your psyche, in your mind. This is how it is for children. So her husbands, including your father, were not only her husbands, they were your husbands in a sense. Her experiences with them were your experiences. What you learned about those husbands is what you carry with you still. Her experiences, as she shared them with you and as you witnessed, are your experiences.

    This part: your mother forming an alliance with you regarding her marriages was not right for you. And so it damaged you, damaged your ability to start fresh, form your own experiences.

    Your mother finally found the right husband, her fourth but you are stuck with her experiences and so, your relationships with men seem- in your mind, as you expressed here- quite hopeless.

    What do you think so far?



    Hi Anita,

    What you are saying sounds very correct. I vowed that I will never get a guy like my previous stepdads, add in the very damaging relationships of my friends I saw – I was a definite no: I don’t need this in my life, This is not going to be me. I’ve always also said that I will not start thinking about family until I am financially stable enough to raise a child by myself if needed.

    Maybe one thing to add is that my mother did not destroy but my grandmother did – both myself and my mother. I did not care for her opinion though. Since early age I’ve been the target of female envy. My grandmother, my dad’s new wife and later on in life at work my female bosses (3 in a row!) and other female colleagues.

    I have a strong personality, I know what I want and I’m not afraid to say it. I’m not the damsel in distress that a lot of men look for – on the contrary. Living with my mother has taught me a lot and I’m very grateful for her. She has expressed concern that her failed relationships have transferred to me but she is hoping that with her now husband I see that there are good men as well.

    It’s funny with me – I acknowledge the issues I have: I’m very outspoken but struggle to show my emotions, I don’t open up easily to people even though to the outside I am very bubbly and friendly. But my true emotions are only known to myself in fear of being judged and being vulnerable. I’ve had to be strong since I was quite young so now Iõm struggling to show my softer side.


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