
The Ego

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    What is the Ego? I don’t understand it. It seems it is a separate thing from us yet it is a part of us. I feel like I am its slave sometimes as it takes over control of me and my emotions. I am tired of trying to regain control. It’s destroying my life and my relationships with people. What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to be the person it turns me into. I feel like i can’t even be in a relationship because of the negativity it brings out in me. I’m scared I’ll just end up sad and alone. I’m addicted to negativity and love playing the victim and feeling sorry for myself. YET I do not! I don’t want to be like this anymore what do I do, I’m desperate for any help or advice.


    Before we start with the “ego bashing”, I invite you to read the following:


    The ego is not something that needs to be eradicated. It’s a part of you and nothing that’s a part of you needs to treated with such angry vehemence. The ego is a small child inside of you that needs to brought into the fold and treated gently and with self-compassion if it is to be mature and healthy.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by John.
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