
Unable to forgive myself for hurting people who have loved me

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    For the past few years, I had been behaving very badly, with people. I would snap at my parents, hurt my friends. And I didn’t realize what I was doing, till my boyfriend broke up with me. Why? Because I was too selfish, to immature, to stupid, to realize what I had, and I hurt him very badly.

    The guilt and regret, is driving me crazy. I can’t forgive myself, I keep wishing I had done things differently. I don’t know what to do, and it’s maddening. I feel lost, hopeless, and alone. Stuck. Everything I ever wanted, he had it all. He was perfect. And now that he’s gone, I know he did the right thing, but I can’t stop feeling sorry for the sick person I had become. I hurt beautiful souls. I hurt the ones who loved me. This guilt and shame is getting unbearable. Please, I really need some advice.


    Dear Ksheetija:

    There is a way to forgive yourself: to learn what in your actions were/ are hurtful to other people, what motivates you to do/ say what you do, and how to correct the behavior that needs to be corrected.

    Some of the things you believe are bad behaviors on your part, may very well not be bad. If you’d like to share more, we can discuss the specifics and in so doing, start your process of better understanding and self forgiveness.


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