For the past few years, I had been behaving very badly, with people. I would snap at my parents, hurt my friends. And I didn’t realize what I was doing, till my boyfriend broke up with me. Why? Because I was too selfish, to immature, to stupid, to realize what I had, and I hurt him very badly.
The guilt and regret, is driving me crazy. I can’t forgive myself, I keep wishing I had done things differently. I don’t know what to do, and it’s maddening. I feel lost, hopeless, and alone. Stuck. Everything I ever wanted, he had it all. He was perfect. And now that he’s gone, I know he did the right thing, but I can’t stop feeling sorry for the sick person I had become. I hurt beautiful souls. I hurt the ones who loved me. This guilt and shame is getting unbearable. Please, I really need some advice.