Hi Brian,
It sounds counter intuitive, but I think that positive is, for the most part, ‘not negative’; and by that I mean not
harmful to you. Your mind will at times tell you things that are not conducive to your
well being. Some of these thoughts make perfect sense, but will not contribute to a positive outlook.
Years ago, I got caught up in the somewhat common belief that, ‘we’re all going to die in the end; so why do anything; it will all end in death. What’s the point?’ On the surface this seems pretty accurate, but embracing this belief is not good, and may even lead to depression, as it did to me. The point is that our thoughts aren’t always our friend.
Think about installing a little man (or woman) at the door to your mind, who examines thoughts as they come along, and bars entry to the harmful ones, ‘Nope you can’t come in here.’ It takes some practice, but will eventually become second nature. It’s not exactly positive thinking, but I think it helps.
…. john