
will I jinx this one

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #126493

    Hi everyone
    I have previously wrote in this site about how I do not get to be in a right relationship. Either I was dating a very old guy that has no time to spend with me or I was dating a guy that has a girlfriend. Today I am writing with a smile and a worry as well. I met a guy that we both just fell in love at the same time. I do not know how to explain further how we just liked each other instantly. We both realised the electricity between us and we set dates. On the dates, communication was flawing, no awkward moments everything going smooth. But I cant take something off at the back of my mind, am wondering if I am too excited about our relationship that it almost seems like my an obsession of having boyfriend, or its just a normal happiness of finding someone, I also have thoughts that am enjoying now and might be hurt later,he shows that he cares alot,he s there for me he want to spend time with me, he shares jokes with me during the day while am at work and he s at work. He s also intelligent and a gentleman. Is it too good to be true or am looking for problems were there are no problems??


    Dear Jay-me:

    Reads to me like you are looking for problems where there are none- relax best you can. You had your share of pain and disappointments, so this relationship being good is not “too good to be true”-

    Too good to be true would be if you had no problems in the past and you will have no problems in the future. You did and you will, so life is not and will not be too-good-to-be-true. Enjoy what good you have now and look forward to more.

    Post here anytime- better than “jinx(ing) this one.”



    Dear Anita
    Thank you for your response, I think I had endured lot of pain in the past, that I already worry about the pain that is yet to come. I feel like I am somehow going to ruin things. When I show my excitement it looks like I am clinging to him, when I kind of ignore him I looks like I dont care. I somehow wish there was a manual that can guide me to be the best girlfriend, to relax and not rush things and just be in a relaxed partnership as he is relaxed. I do realise that I am looking for problems where there are non, I just worry too much!


    Dear Jay-me:

    Did you tell him about you worrying too much, that you want to be the best girlfriend, relax and not rush things but have difficulties doing so? Maybe he can help you, being relaxed himself. Without exhausting him, you can get helped by him. Help each other as there are things he needs help from you!

    Help and guide each other, be each other’s manual, via ongoing communication. Practice that EAR communicating with him, standing for Empathy, Assertiveness, Respect and help each other.


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