
You are not alone

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    Differences in natural behavior

    One philosophical aspect is the theory if other people wether have a consciousness or not and i will show you why you should be aware that you are never alone in this world. Philosophers say we cant ever figure out precisely if theres just one person being conscious (yourself) or all persons (what most people believe) – lets take a look on my arguments:
    • Hubris leads to the conclusion of being the only one, cause there is no special reason for that thought
    • Anatomy also has no specific reason to provoke equal consciousness

    Similarity trough Knowledge
    Now that i found out there must be some kind of balance, how did i got to the point of claiming that we are not alone?
    Even equal consciousness has individual thoughts but different experiences often can lead to the same results: knowledge.
    No matter how different we are, theres someone out there who came to the same result as you. You are not alone.

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