
Posts by AndHeDrew

If you are interested in living life on purpose and becoming the person you want to be, check out AndHeDrew's free e-book, "Slapping Yourself Upside the Head" which you can download here: http://andhedrew.com/upside-the-head/.

AndHeDrew's Website

Are You Shut Down and Disconnected?

“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another—and ourselves.” ~Jack Kornfield

I had to work on Easter at my job in a coffee shop. I missed out on my family’s big holiday party, and I struggled with quite a bit of resentment about the whole deal. I could have gotten someone to cover for me, but because I’m one of the more experienced employees and we were short-staffed, I was told that I needed to work.

I wasn’t too terribly happy. I came in to work and immediately launched into …