
Posts by Claire Suellentrop

Claire Suellentrop helps professionals in creative (read: hectic) industries reclaim their health + sanity at Eat Well. Party Hard. She’s a health coach who believes eating well and having a really good time need not be mutually exclusive. Download her (free!) guide to Killer Confidence—anywhere, at any weight—here.

Claire Suellentrop's Website

What Babies Teach Us About Self-Image and Letting Go

“The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment.” ~Eckhart Tolle

The nurse found me slumped behind the soda machine.

“Honey, are you okay?” she asked, brow crinkled in nervous response to my (apparently louder than I’d realized) sobs.

I nodded, answering in messy sniffles. The nurse, not entirely convinced, assured me that if I needed anything, she’d be at the desk just around the corner.

I remained crouched in my not-so-perfect hiding place a while longer, waiting until my breaths no longer shook to trudge back to my mom’s hospital room. The news …