
Posts by Kelly Berdine

Kelly Berdine is raising two kids as a single mom on a rogue South American island. She offers down-to-earth advice and explorations on living with humans, empowerment and being your dream self. She is developing a project called Sketchbook Rebel, to help people process life's lunacies through art. Find her at Raw Beautiful Life, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Kelly Berdine's Website

What Creates Abusive People and How to Release Your Anger

“The biggest problem for humanity, not only on a global level, but even for individuals, is misunderstanding.” ~Rinpoche

Through the course of the relationship he was dishonest, emotionally manipulative, and unkind. It was subtle at first—do we really sign up for this on the dating application? But the acts wound their way through like a slow vine that eventually kills a tree. When it ended, he handled it atrociously.

It took me many months to process it all, facing things I had suppressed in denial. When the shock wore off, I had a desire to let him know how he …