“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” ~Socrates
As a people, we are busy. Busy is our mantra. Busy equals successful. Busy equals value. Sometimes all busy really equals is busy.
It’s important to be engaged, and we need to do what it takes to survive and thrive, but sometimes what we are seeking has less to do with being busy and more to do with just being.
Most of us experience an over-scheduled, hypercompetitive world. We’re constantly bombarded by images and messages that mold our thoughts, minds, and ultimately the way we live our lives.
This can make it difficult to cultivate our own thoughts and create from our inner selves. We get so wrapped up in the messages, ideas, and perspectives presented to us that we may become disconnected from our own source of original thought and creativity.
It’s easy to fall into the habit of being a consumer of what already exists rather than becoming the source of our own creative ideas and beliefs.
We need to unplug from the vast network of what already exists and tap into our inner source and creative well.
It’s wonderful to engage in the outer world and absorb what others have already created, but that is only a part of the whole experience. Absorbing and learning from what exists and combining it with our own creative thought is a powerfully dynamic interaction.
Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who spent countless hours in deep reflective thought. It was from this quiet space of universal creativity and deep thought that he brought forth some of the most fundamental philosophical contributions to society.
He engaged in, observed, and absorbed the outer world in which he lived and then tapped into his own creative inner workings. If Socrates were always on the go, the world would never have received his unique creative gifts.
During a period of time in my life, I was going to graduate school, working, settling into my new role of being a mom and a wife, taking care of a home, and running around try to keep pace with my busy schedule.
I felt engaged to the outer world but disconnected from my inner world. I was consuming many books and learning many concepts but was not producing any of my own ideas. I was looking at the world through everyone else’s eyes and learning amazing things, but I felt a great need to tinker with my own thoughts and create.
I was like a stone skipping along the water—never having enough downtime to sink beneath the surface and connect to my inner source of creativity.
I decided I would never let another week pass without taking at least an hour of downtime to disengage from the busyness of my outer world and connect to my inner world.
During this time, a slow shift occurred. At first, the time spent in my “creative space” was mostly a form of relaxation, getting used to the process of silence and getting comfortable with just being.
As time passed, I started to experience a connection to flow, and now I am deeply connected to the creative process and create daily. I now feel more alive and paradoxically more engaged than ever.
I still have a busy life, but now I realize that having access to my inner source of creativity gives me a sense of fulfillment that I cannot find outside of myself. This connection also provides me with the energy I need to manage my schedule.
We are all creative. Tapping into our inner source requires that we unplug from our busy lives and spend time in our “creative space.”
No one can see the world quite like you do. No one can express themselves quite like you do. You are unique and creative. Make time to pop into your creative space.
Know that it is okay to take time out from your busy schedule. Maybe what you’re striving for will be found in the silence of your creative space.
Know that we are all creative. Even if you haven’t created anything lately or perhaps have never explored this part of you.
Know that there are things you can do to cultivate an atmosphere to help you connect to your creative flow. Some of them include:
- Create a soothing space away from distractions.
- Put on soft lighting.
- Put on some “streamy” music.
- Listen to sounds of nature, like running water.
- Meditate for a few minutes.
- Doodle to get past mental blocks.
- Try stream of consciousness journaling.
- Take a walk before settling into your “space.”
- Try to connect things that seem disconnected.
How do you connect to your creative flow? Share you ideas, story, or plan of action in the comments below.
May the silent space of your creative flow serve as the foundation of your busy life.
Photo by KmcnallyPhotos

About Sheila McCann
Sheila McCann is the creator of the Rainbow Framework, a universal framework for life, love, wealth, and creativity. One look and you'll get life in a big way. Pop on over and get your free rainbow framework e-book and visual.