
I'm feeling emotionally insane.

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    I currently am 21, I’ve been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I have been with my girlfriend for six years(we both are the same age). I moved in with her last year and things have been great. I have had a job for a while, but recently quit. It gave me severe anxiety due to acting as a scapegoat for the department. I was getting around 3-4 hours of sleep a night. I feel I’m currently going insane to where I will talk to myself and tell myself that nobody likes me and that there really is no point. I’ve been unemployed for about a month now and things are better, but I fear that people think I’m being incredibly lazy even though I currently am looking for further employment. I an currently having issues with being self critical towards myself. I constantly tell myself that everyone hates me and it really depresses me. Do any of you have any tips to change this mentality?


    Dear shelias:

    An article currently on the Home Page, here on the website, might help you: “9 Ways to Silence Self-Criticism and Embrace Self-Love.”

    When you fear what people think of you, you are fearing what you already think of you. It is that inner critic saying to you: you are lazy and so forth. If you read that article, will you post again with your thoughts and feelings?


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