
scared to fall out of love

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    i heard the absence of love is fear. and im scared to fall out of love. any facts i can tell myself to remain being in love?


    Dear Jara

    I don’t know if I agree with this statement completely. What do you mean with the fear you experience? I think fear is an emotion just like love, anger etc. If you’re afraid that you’re falling out of love, talk to your partner, tell them you feel like there is a distance growing inside of you. Has something happened recently that changed your feelings towards your partner? Have you changed or has your partner changed in a way that makes you two incompatile as of now?

    I think it’s valid to be afraid of falling out love. Because it can happen. But you also must know that it takes work, sometimes we love our partner more, sometimes less. It’s a decision to stick with – of course until you’re sure it’s not there anymore. You can’t really “tell” yourself anything to remain in love. You really need to look at the relationship with an open mind and heart.

    I hope it helped.


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