
Reply To: Worrrking 9-5

HomeForumsWorkWorrrking 9-5Reply To: Worrrking 9-5


Hi greenshade,

I used to have “If only I didn’t have this/the job/classes, think of all the things I could do” thoughts. But one day I didn’t have that job/those classes and guess what? My projects still took the same amount of days to accomplish them. What’s that saying, The task expands to fit into the time we have? LOL!

I would make it into a game and enjoy this great balancing act we call Life! In the parking lot arriving and leaving or on the train/bus you can do a page of your written work. When you get coffee/lunch or go in the bathroom (only do this a few times LOL) read a page of what you need to. When the boss is gone or during a lull call or text concerning your project.



  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Inky.
  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Inky.