
Reply To: Boundaries

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Hi Greenshade

I agree that the boundaries are abstract concept. Just because everyone puts their own meaning to that. So, you can do it too as an experiment. Ask yourself what is boundary for you. By answering this question you will know yourself a little bit better. As more you know yourself as better you know your boundaries.

Also, you can start being more aware of your boundaries by asking simple question “i like it or not”. Everywhere, even in a shower, you can explore your boundaries “do i like hot water or cold?”, “do i like with a lot of soap or not? “,”do i like long shower or quick jump into it”… The same with everything and everyone “do i like what he/she is doing right now or not” and so on.

One more thing: you can try painting technique. Without judgement and perfectionism draw yourself and your boundaries, just how you feel it. Look at it, you could be surprised,or at least will get to know yourself more…