
self sabotage (again)

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Inky.
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    Hello all! Hope you’re doing well.

    I’m trying to move on to the next step in my career, and in order to do so I have to write some things (personal statement etc.). However, my self critical thoughts are kicking in and paralyzing me. I keep thinking I haven’t done enough work to deserve this, my interest isnt strong enough, my knowledge isn’t enough. I cant stop myself from believing these thoughts. Meanwhile the deadline for this is approaching and I am starting to panic. I dont want to sabotage myself (again) so I would really appreciate some guidance on how to deal with this.

    With gratitude,



    Dear greenshade:

    How about you going for a long walk outside, or otherwise getting into some intense physical activity, to release the panic, the tension, the distress, then take a shower, get comfortable and go to the computer and type that personal statement etc. Do so once you are relaxed and before the next panic, when you are able to imagine (for half an hour or so, just long enough to do the writing) that you are good enough and capable enough..?



    Anita, thanks for replying! Will try this today.


    You are welcome, greenshade. Anytime.



    Hi greenshade,

    Whenever I hear the phrase “personal statement” all I can think of is “it’s a formality”. It doesn’t matter what you write as long as it’s positive. You can add something deep and profound in there as well. I am being a bit cynical, but the person reading it won’t be putting as much thought into it as you are.

    If you are truly worried about it, show it to another pair of eyes that can edit it.

    Good Luck!


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