
Reply To: First Relationship Breakup, 8 months later still in love

HomeForumsRelationshipsFirst Relationship Breakup, 8 months later still in loveReply To: First Relationship Breakup, 8 months later still in love


Hi Rideeta,

I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I am going through a very similar situation, my first boyfriend and I have broken up and it has been the most painful experience of my life. Just know that you aren’t alone and everyone has gone through at least one major heartbreak within their lifetime. I know it’s hard, I think of him all the time and even though hes told me he doesn’t love me anymore I still get thoughts of hope. But I’ve learned to realize that those thoughts don’t help me. I try to rewire how I think. I tell myself he isn’t coming back and that I’m still going to be okay. I decided to be my friend because no one can truly be there for you like you can. Throwing away the things we shared/gifts we exchanged, staying off social media and surrounding myself with the love of my friends and family has helped a lot.

This may seem drastic but if seeing him hurts as much as you say it does maybe you can switch classes? You are doing great so far by trying to keep busy and not contacting him. You are a strong individual and you can get through this. Also you don’t have to feel ashamed or embarrassed to speak to your therapist, it is their job to help and you are a human experiencing a loss.

Treat yourself, love yourself, find things that excite you and inspire you. Figure out what is it that you want from life other than the love of another person and make it your goal to achieve it!! When the time is right someone who is meant for you will come into your life but in the mean time continue to love yourself. This heartbreak is just one of many life lessons.

Good luck and don’t give up <3 We can get through this!!