
Reply To: Feeling lost/confused/heartbroken

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Before my panic attack I had no issues in life… no anxiety, no panic, I was always just happy with my life. I started the councilling in February  as i wasn’t coping with this new found anxiety. I had 6 sessions in total, the lady was great. She told me that my fear could stem back to my parents relationships in life and that I have a blue print in my head of why get married as everyone just seems to get divorced! I went with this for a while. I felt there was no more the lady could help me with so I haven’t been back. To be honest I don’t think she understood my thoughts! She told me to relax and just enjoy our life together what will be will be! Which I am happy with. But still getting these sad depressing thoughts. It’s like guilt, sad, anxious all rolled into one. It’s a horrible sinking feeling, sick in the pit of my stomach and lump in my throat type feeling.

My confusion is that I still say and believe I love him! I can see us having kids and being married, I love coming home to him, we work so well together.
