
Moving on after being cheated on

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    My boyfriend of 2.5 years (at the time) cheated on me with 4 other girls. I found out about this a year ago and still feel stuck and have major feelings for him despite not talking to him since then and knowing what he did was truly horrible. How can I move on? I have tried to meet new people and I feel like I can’t talk to any of them. The same spark isn’t there. Any advice will be appreciated.


    Hi musician16,

    Here is a thought which may or may not be true: I could see someone cheating with one person. I could even (maybe) see someone cheating with two. But four? Unlikely. The next time you think of the four girls, laugh and say (while laughing), “Yeah, right!”

    If you, he, or someone brings it up, say, “I’ll tell my seventh lover he says hello!”

    The little dude must have had some kind of anger or size problem to even attempt to cheat on you with four (FOUR!) other people.

    My advice to you is not to believe it. The reality is probably closer to one he actually cheated on you with, one he had an emotional affair with, one who made out with him while drunk, and a model who said “hi” to him once.



    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Inky.

    Dear musician16:

    I didn’t understand: was the relationship of 2.5  years over and then you found out that during the relationship he cheated on you?



    This is how you move on. You find a great guy that fits all your requirements and you feel “sort of” attracted to (not crazy attracted like you probably were w your ex), and you BEGIN a relationship heads down w the new guy. Believe me, in 6 months you will be the other dude.


    To clarify:

    -There were four. I knew all of them.

    -We had been together for 2.5 years when I found out.


    this is easy or complicated, it depends of yourself.

    – if u cand accept his personality, you could explore toghether this.

    – if ( i see you cannot accept this betrayal, actually ) you want more from you and from your future (you may consider having kids one day and he leaves for another) , move on. He actually didn t care about your feelings and he will not change.

    7 Self-Love Practices That Helped Me Heal from a Devastating Divorce

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