Hi Anita, I agree with you and I have been eliminating a lot of people in suffering and I will say it feels good at times. But when I see my future I still can’t help but see me happier, more stable and good people in my life but still having my family and hopefully one day helping them become healthier but I do understand that in the mean time I have to worry about me for once and focus on myself. Yes I hope I am out soon enough as well. I still have 5000 saved which could potentially get me an apartment here furnished but then I become a renter and probably wont be able to save living alone. Where as if I save another 5 grand I can potentially own a 50000 condo in Florida and pay less mortgage there than a rent here in Illinois. I am afraid to live in a city all alone but am becoming increasingly confident about this. I really would like to invest in something. I know my future self would thank me. But toughing it out here with my Aunt is getting rough. We had a conversation last night where she insinuates that when she had to start over after divorce it took her 5 years and was stay beneath an aunt of ours that was evil! She basically said you have to put up with crap until you are able to set out on your own and I find that to be mean. When she offered me this place I thought she was supporting me and now it seems she did it for some type of control. She has helped me a lot but I will not do things I don’t want to do because some one helped me. Is that selfish?