
Reply To: Letting go of someone due to incompatibility (incompatible drinking habits)

HomeForumsRelationshipsLetting go of someone due to incompatibility (incompatible drinking habits)Reply To: Letting go of someone due to incompatibility (incompatible drinking habits)


Hi Anette,

If you come back to this thread..

He has a drinking problem. He is a functioning alcoholic. He’d rather get blackout drunk than drink in moderation when you’re around. Throwing up is more important to him than your comfort. Read that again.

There is one way to get him to stop drinking. He has to go through a series of  “little hurts” before he finally becomes well. People will stop inviting him to weddings. He won’t seem to hold onto relationships long term. His friends will be “busy”. If he does get invited anywhere it will be to church pot lucks or the movies.

I double dog dare you to dump him to save him. If you really loved him, you would do anything to save his life. I’m not being dramatic. Frat boys get sick and black out drunk. Once. Maybe twice. Not full grown men. Full grown men will have a whisky and drive their ladies home because they can handle their alcohol, not the other way around.

Give him a little hurt,


P.S. My husband had to give an old girlfriend that little hurt. She is still single, but hopefully doing WELL.

  • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Inky.