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It sounds like you definitely have a genuinely powerful connection with this person, and that is something to cherish, but be very careful where you tread. I know you already mentioned you are faithful and that you have a different love for your husband, but you are on a razor’s edge in this situation. Some people come along in our life and they seem like a miracle, and we connect with them on every level. When these charismatic people come into our lives, its easy to forget that a lot of the magic that is occurring between the two of you is overemphasized because of the excitement. I’m not saying your connection isn’t everything you say it is, but Victoria really made a stellar point that you and your husband have made it this far for a reason, through it all. Relationships aren’t easy and 20 years is a point of pride. Maybe your dreams involve this person because you are seeking something to fill the void that is left from your relationship with you and your husband. It would make sense that this person provides the things you dont get from your marriage, and that could be why its sinking into your subconscious. I would like to offer a different perspective though, some of the things that you aren’t getting out of your husband might be able to be found. I understand that there are some fundamental differences, as you mentioned with beliefs and other things, but don’t count out your relationship with him just because there are ways you are unfulfilled. If you get creative enough, and involve him the process, you might be amazed at the needs your husband might be able to meet for you. So often in long relationships we think, “well this is it, this is all I’m going to get out of it, and I guess I will have to settle with it.” When in reality even in the longest relationships there is room for personal growth and new levels of understanding with your partner. I obviously don’t know much about your situation, but from what you said, I just thought that it was a perspective worth considering. You have been together with him this long, obviously you guys connect on some level, maybe its time to think outside the box and find some new connections to make with your husband before spending too much time in dream land and questioning your decisions in life. Either way I hope it works out well for you. =)
This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by
David Goettsch.
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