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I’m not sure if my situation can translate to yours very well, or at all, but I grew up one way that conflicted with what I knew to be true (as opposed to a belief, or having blind faith). For over 40 years, it was something I kept to myself, including my struggle to find balance.

When I decided it was okay to be true to myself in this situation, it did create a couple new challenges but at least I wasn’t “hiding” any longer. I felt free. Felt I was finally “me.” If someone was going to turn their back on me, well, that would be their choice. I was still the kind, compassionate person I’d always been…just better and tolerant.

In the end, I overcame the fear of being myself, of being spiritual openly, and I learned tolerance, which I lacked just as much as any religious person I’d ever known. We all are supposed be tolerant and accepting, which is what being true to myself allowed me to do. If others shun you, how does this speak to being kind and tolerant, and are these people who should be in your life? They “should” love you, care about you, regardless.

Fear and/or superiority is often the culprit for chastising others, especially in a situation like this.

I think you have to decide which is more important to you at the moment…the people who might shun you or living your true you. Maybe it doesn’t have to be decided right now. Does it? Maybe down the line an opening will come along (the right time) for you to stick your toes in that water.

Also, people surprise us sometimes. I was pretty scared to let people know about me. Not one of my relationships changed. In fact, with a couple notable ones, it opened a new world for them, brought us closer.

Do you have experience in witnessing these people in your life shunning others?

There’s a quote from Black Beauty, which I’ll fail to recall verbatim, but in a nut shell it is something like: You may speak all you want about religion, but if it does not teach us to love and be kind to all people and beasts, then it is all a sham.

We all should be fortunate to walk that walk, but being human, we are works-in-progress. If you do proceed and find resistance, remember this is new to them…tell them not to fear you/be afraid, you are still the same loving soul, and ask them to walk the path of love, acceptance and tolerance that their faith asks them to.

Best wishes, traveler.