
Reply To: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness

HomeForumsShare Your Truthbeing surrounded with bitter people and lonlinessReply To: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness


i dont appreciate your attitude , you have been so condescending and treating me like im a little girl who cant handle hard subjects . you are projecting your own issues on me , e,g being upset at me and telling im upset at you . you bring up my BPD diagnosis to explain my behavior . which was out of the line . i believe you really need to devalue me to calm yourself right now and it s maybe because you pick up some clues from my notes which in your opinion shows disrespect or being annoyed and your tone was very passive aggressive lately , i understand you might are having some issues in your life and unfortunately im not a mental health worker and im not equipped to help you . i hope you get help or sort your problems by yourself eventually because i dont deserve to be at receiving end of your hostility and frustration .

best wishes
