Forum Replies Created
January 4, 2023 at 10:22 pm #413224
Participanti don
t appreciate your attitude , you have been so condescending and treating me like i
m a little girl who cant handle hard subjects . you are projecting your own issues on me , e,g being upset at me and telling i
m upset at you . you bring up my BPD diagnosis to explain my behavior . which was out of the line . i believe you really need to devalue me to calm yourself right now and its maybe because you pick up some clues from my notes which in your opinion shows disrespect or being annoyed and your tone was very passive aggressive lately , i understand you might are having some issues in your life and unfortunately i
m not a mental health worker and im not equipped to help you . i hope you get help or sort your problems by yourself eventually because i don
t deserve to be at receiving end of your hostility and frustration .best wishes
January 2, 2023 at 11:07 am #413083farnaz
Participantdear Anita
honestly it triggers me that we are still talk about him
i didn`t write you further because you only discuss it in last post
January 2, 2023 at 11:05 am #413082farnaz
Participantdear Anita
thank to you too
about the doctor , i discussed with him about my hurt and i said to him his behavior was wrong and he still choose to continue his behavior , could we just agree on disagree ?he is not worth it
January 2, 2023 at 8:02 am #413072farnaz
Participantdear Anita
thanks for you note , hope to hear from you ssoon
January 1, 2023 at 12:20 pm #413012farnaz
Participantdear Anita
thank you for being honest with me , i wasn
t angry at you because you brang holidays and new year resolution , maybe because we are chatting and not speaking , that came like i was angry . i remembered all the time i set a goal for new year and i did n
t achieve it and maybe that same out as anger but it wasnt directed to you . however i got annoyed when you told me saying the doctor that his mom is a wh@@@ wouldn
t be helping to him , it angered me that you think i should help him when he basically kick me when i was down . i was angry and let myself go and lash to someone who deserved to be insulted in this particular case , did i want a apology ?no , because i knew i couldnt get from him . do i care for him to get a better person ?no , he didn
t ask for my help and i dont believe in changing people . i just wanted to call him out on his behavior s i wouldn
t play this in my mind over and over about how i should do or say this or that , im relieved right now , i
m not angry about him anymore .–your anger at him deserves my time. My anger ruled my life, anger and fear, I’d say. So, whatever anger is strong in you deserves your time and mine.i appreciate that you care about me and how i feel , however in my experience i learned to not dig deep in situations like that , the less i talked about it the less the situation affect me . i talked about this incidence twice , once here and another time with a friend and i didn`t say the whole thing .
Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships, often characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation, also known as ‘splitting’… * Inappropriate, intense anger that can be difficult to control…” i was diagnosed with BPD based on the sense of abandonnement once someone ignores me and the way i reacted to my emotions , i was controlling and confront the person who was ignoring me and asking them what was wrong with them to do it but actually i was asking what is wrong about me to make you to ignore me , to be honest i
m not like this anymore or it gets much better right now . i
m not that focused on other people opinion of me . i got too much time to obsessing over peoples opinion before and i believed everybody was like that , i mean i thought they were sitting somewhere trying to ignore me on purpose , i don
t think like that anymore once i started to work . i was overvaluing some people around me who are not good influence and wanted to drag me down , but i dont know what actually happened after my dad passed ?i guess i just realized life is too short to spend my time with this people , i mean the people who are intentionally mean or are generally inconsistent in their efforts so you wouldn
t know how you stand with them . i get rid of them , maybe im bpd free . i
m not sure but honestly i dont have that rage i used to have and i don
t feel that emptiness , i used to feel .i hope you didn
t translate my lack of interest to talk about this guy as an aggression , it doesn
t work for me to talk about it , i was there when i was constantly talking behind someone back who hurt me over and over , i admit im still doing it but it became much less that before and i could feel that putting a lot of thoughts and talking makes me suffer for longer period , it
s not for me .at the end i wish we can pass this situation because i think there was no intention to do harm on either side .
best wishes and happy new year
December 31, 2022 at 9:32 pm #412979farnaz
Participantdear Anita
are you ok ? it feels, you are angry at something .or maybe it`s holiday blues ??
see , i don
t see any reason to help him , i believe he is beyond help , i believe only a minority of people can be helped or changed and THEY want to , so what
s the point , he didnt see anything wrong with his behavior and (i did call him out about his behavior the previous time we talked )so the chance of him changing is zero ,and me being assertive here , i don
t see any point to talk about him here either .he doesn`t deserve my time neither yours.if they were smart, they wouldn’t destroy other people’s lives more; they wouldn’t destroy other people’s lives at all! (Ex.: It would have worked for my mother’s benefit if she did NOT destroy so much of my life).some people have a wicked smartness and use it in wrong way and fool people more successfully and more prolonged time .
December 31, 2022 at 10:52 am #412928farnaz
Participantdear Anita
it amazes me that they, the parents who manipulate their children this way, did not study how to do this in school. Parents who did not attend any school at all, not even grammar school (let alone a university), parents with a lower IQ perform this manipulation successfully. this is very interesting , it comes so effortless for them but can you imagine if they were actually smart?their ability to destroy other`s life would be much worse. as some infamous people in history did destroy millions of life because they were smart to get in higher and more powerful position.
i found out that most of people with manipulating behavior are relying too much on power of their words and effect their word have on others , they are too lazy or too dumb to actually make something valuable happen or think they are too smart so they can do nothing and sitting their a@@ down and still behave or talk like someone who knows all the answers or getting credit for someone else
s effort or manipulating others to do their work . i think if they had to do something themselves , it wouldn
t be that satisfying for them , they want credit without doing anything so they can prove they are smarter than others .But for the victims of this manipulation, it takes a higher IQ, education and years of hard work to undo the mess , yes they are so talented like this , good for them .
as 2022 comes to a close, how about a freer 2023 for you and for me?! that
s great but we don
t need new year or any other special occasions , do we ? lets say i don
t have that faith on new year resolution , lol . we don`t actually celebrate new year now .Also, how did you feel when exploding at the doctor.. and after: was it all joy or was there a conflict within you, some leftover distress over it? i smiled as i
m typing this paragraph , lol . in his case no way . i enjoyed it not because he deserved that but because all the expectations he did have regarding having sex with me and actually treating me like trash or at best having me as a side chick for whenever he was horny and he didn
t get any of them , he took be for granted and it was so satisfying to say f you , i think he believed his behavior would make him irresistible and they fact that he rejected me , make me to want him even more and would do anything to get him , after all i was in vulnerable position but he was so wrong . i might be wrong , but i don`t think i am , i mean wrong about believing he was rejecting me in order to make me more , i would like to know your opinion about itabout other situations , i feel like i could be more assertive and upfront about what i don
t like when i wasn
t having problem with other person , so anger wouldnt be accumulated in me and makes me suddenly explode , i think in some cases excluding the aunt and step mom , another person didn
t know something is bothering me or didn`t want to upset me on purpose . i feel bad about those cases .hope to hear from you soon ,
December 29, 2022 at 10:54 pm #412849farnaz
ParticipantDear Anita
yes and happy 230th post indeed , lol
about charles manson , he certainly would not be missed .
I guess that’s why she tried real hard to mess up my vision, so that I don’t see what or who in front of me. that
s a disgusting one but it
s used often by hook you , i once read somewhere *fighting against narcissists and other people with manipulative tendencies are not about the actually reason you apparently fighting , it is mostly psychological , they want to mess up with your mind and psyche so you cave . i truly believe everything happens in our mind , the way we see the situation obviously affect our emotions and reaction , if you see the situation clearly that would certainly help you to RESPOND well to it much better and not react out of desperation , but aim of our parents were to distort the reality of ours , so we wouldnt see them at fault and we wouldn
t trust our judgement , so they can manipulate and abuse us .then we would be a punching bag who are not going to resist and that would be an ideal situation for them .thank you, I am much freer than I used to be, not as free as I hope to be in the future. you are going to more free in future for sure . hopefully me too
as I just read the words heartless heart doctor, I felt anger at him.. and I never met him! No, I don’t think that it is malicious or cold on your part to have ended contact with him. It was the right thing to do. Also, whatever you feel does not make you good or bad. Anyone’s feelings is one’s own personal business: none for me to judge. We should judge words and actions, not feelings (or random thoughts, thoughts that happen to cross our minds, that is). thank you for your understanding , i should add about that doctor i have no doubt that he was way out of the line to say the least , and very cruel to me .whatever i said to him , he was absolutely deserving it . i meant other people as my aunt and the step mom and other people who crossed me and took me for a sucker(i`m not sure if that word is rude or not , so correct me please ), i feel like in some cases i went 180 degree different and that was very weird in their point of vue or suddenly exploded and it was so shocking . but you are right , i should take care of my feelings before theirs .
I took a couple of hours reading about the show, aired in 2013. The crimes I read about are difficult to think about, or to imagine. It is clear to me that if society (school, social services… someone) intervened in the early lives of the convicted murderers I read about, their crimes would have been prevented: people murdered would have been alive today, and they themselves would be free to live outside a tiny prison cell where they live 20-23 hours per day, and where they are expected to live the rest of their lives. i personally believe some people are born bad as Jeffery dahmer , he wouldn
t do any better if his condition of living was different but most of criminal are not born bad , they become messed up because they have been through alot of misfortune and hardship during their life and they felt out of control and eventually that transformed them , reading or watching their past life absolutely makes me sad , some of them don
t get a chance to get better life at no point and that`s just heart breaking .far
December 29, 2022 at 12:26 pm #412832farnaz
Participantdear Anita
happy 16th page , lol
thank you for infos regarding nursing and immigration , i`m definitely gonna search it more in future days .
no, I was talking about another criminal, his name was Charles Manson. He had young people who followed him: not members of his biological family, but people who were called (in the news and in books) “The Family”. i heard about him and his Family who were consisted of young ,naive woman who killed sharon tate , roman polansky`s pregnant wife and her friends in their house very violently . he was certainly a very charismatic , twisted and evil man . i think he is still alive .
i was watching an episode about a cult leader called keith raniere who claimed to be the most genious man in the world who manipulated lots of people , mainly women to follow him and convinced the women to have sex with him , whenever he wanted and make them believe this is for their own good , a then famous actress called Allison mack was his sidekick and he proceeded to brand these women with initial of his name and allison
s name . the case was so infuriating, but make me wonder why always women are the main target , why it
s so compelling for these psychos to have so many young women who worship them to make them feel powerful , can`t they compete with another guy over power which is the most important thing in their life plus control , they seem to not dare to mess with other guys .she projected her feeling of being a Nothing into me, yes. But she didn’t perceive me to be a continuum, or a continuation of herself. In her mind, I was very much a Stranger, and too often, an enemy. she was an enemy to herself too , wasn
t she ?not in conscious level . i truly believe she didn
t like you because she didnt like herself , also you were more loving which i believe that shows courage and being a bigger person and that pissed her off , she didn
t see it in herself and i think she realized you would eventually see through her and leave .Their short-term benefit was simply to feel better at the moment, and that, they achieved. in my experience these people usually don
t see the bigger picture and want the immediate satisfaction , it
s either because they are impulse or they just see a chance to screw you over so they take it and get the benefit , not realizing they broke the bridges and cant go back , amazingly they don
t expect you to remember and not letting them to do it again , after all we are subhumans in their eyes . im glad for you because you freed yourself you owned it to you ( i
m not sure i`m grammatically correct).yes, it is not joyful to be overpowered by another. The joy is in overpowering the other. yes according to these kind of people as you said in your post another day , they can`t have a win win relationship .
as far as understanding the psychology of our respective parents, it seems to me that you, like me, have been interested in dissecting and finding meaning in understanding them (and ourselves) better. i
m interested in analyzing it especially with some one who can understand it , but i don
t want to dwell on it , asking the questions like why it happened ?why they were like that ?why it should happen to me , that just makes me angry and hopeless , i cant do anything about it .although i must admit in some instances i enjoy remembering moments that i stopped caring about person i used to care about , i mean who took me for granted and a fool , it
s painful to remember how much i cared for them and try to help them or be good to them but at the same time , its joyful to think i
m no longer their fool and it is a win for me and a loss for them . is it malicious to see it that way ?i honestly believe that i changed dramatically my behavior toward a person , i tolerated their behavior too many times but they do something awful the last time and thats it for me . i usually just cut with them and don
t explain anything , i think its pointless in most of times to explain your self to THESE kind of people , i fewer occasions like the heartless heart doctor , i exploded (again , no regrets, lol), but i
m curios to hear your opinion about it , is it too cold to cut somebody who wronged you , all of sudden ?far
December 28, 2022 at 12:14 pm #412782farnaz
Participantand about ted bundy , yes i heard about him , he killed over 32 women and seemed so normal , put together and went to law school , i believe but i didn
t know he had family members in jail ?4? that
s a lot . i guess being criminal runs in genes . but i think he didnt know his father , so maybe all of them were from his mom
s side maybe ?and being 53 years in jail ?i wonder if they know a life outside of it , i once watched a documentaries called inside the death row by trevor mcdonald , i recommend you to watch it . he interviewed alot of prisoners in death row and with time sentence, it was very interesting and shocking at times , like when a woman was smiling when she said she got a man in to his eyes. her reaction was so chilling , just watch the whole interviews it is in YT and has 2 or 3 episodes , highly recommended , i liked the interviewer too , he was so calm and respecting to all criminals but in the same time asking all hard questions .far
December 28, 2022 at 11:54 am #412774farnaz
Participantdear Anita
so you live in Washington , i have an old classmate who lives in washington dc . i know it`s cold and i heard it snowed very heavily in some states of US, i hope you are ok in your evergreen state .
very good point. Some people “solve” their problems by making their problems bigger, and then even BIGGER. i know some people who are expert doing this , maybe i
m been condescending . i guess that should somehow work for them , maybe they want to be busy with their problems and not thinking abut bigger stuff which are mind bugling for them , i know that
s true for my brother as an example.for me i know i
m overthinker and sensitive and as i said i tried not search for heavy stuff like politics and religion , i
ve rather to be exhausted with work or any physical work that try to dissect and find the meaning of things . thats why i guess i don
t make my life harder .not in my case: my mother was right there at the start of my life, to tell me and show me how ugly the world is. I have no memory whatsoever of ever being blissfully naive. but she wasn
t realistic , she was negative and miserable , that applied to my mom too , i believe they didn
t trust themselves at all and they were right , they couldnt handle hard issues , like balancing between the difference of them and their children character and solve familial dispute with respect and love . they didn
t have the emotional maturity and patience to manage it so they would freak out , make a scene and blaming everyone and try to control the situation by aggression and character assassination .no, to my surprise, she did not protest or chase me for contact, not in any way, shape or form that is strange but my only guess is because you overpowered her , it wasn
t joyful for her to intimidate you , you got stronger and she sensed it, these kind of people are very good in judging who they can manipulate and use for their own benefits and i
m sure, she wasnt happy about it , it
s highly possible she found someone else to torture after a while .I used to think, as a child, that she couldn’t live without me, that I was the center of her life. I was very wrong. Truth is.. she was my Everything, and I was Nothing much to her. After all, she told me when angry, her words: “You are Nothing, a big Zero!“. Looking back at all of the situations that I remember, situations that included me, her and other people (and she was not at all angry): she treated the other people as Somebodies and me.. as a Nobody. i
m so sorry for that , that
s so painful , but i think , she think of you as a continuum of herself and she saw herself as nothing so were nothing too. that i`m sure about .I wonder if, for now, it’d significantly easier and faster for you to get certified to work in the U.S. as a Registered Nurse (RN) or better, as a Nurse Practitioner (NP)– they make so much money and there is a great shortage of nurses here. interesting , in Iran there is also a shortage for nurses . i have some plans in my mind and i`m going to search about working as a registered nurse or NP too , thank you for suggestion , and by the way what is the meaning of registered nurse , is there multiple ways to become a nurse except going to university ?
December 27, 2022 at 9:15 pm #412723farnaz
Participantdear Anita
thank you for your note , can`t wait to hear from you soon and take care
December 26, 2022 at 9:55 pm #412686farnaz
Participantdear Anita
i used to get very frustrated when i was studying abroad , because every one would think Iran is a dessert and there is no rain or snow and greenery but to be fair the most part of iran is desert and the north is the only region which is green all the time .
She would be 110 when she is released from prison, if she lives that long.. not likely, of course. My goodness. hell no . she was so creepy , she was her own lawyer , as most narcs choose to do it . as she was interrogating her own ex husband whom she attempted to kill , the questions she asked him and her attempt to discredit him was so cringy and weird.
of course you are deeper now, as deep as can be, I say! thank you,that`s so nice of you .
you substituted a deep value for things. yes and also for people who weren`t worthy , to be honest people and their opinion in general .
I don’t know if I know of.. happy people. Sometimes happy, yes, but not on a regular, ongoing basis. Throughout childhood, we all get a fair amount of happiness squeezed out of us, is my experience. of course happy people are not happy all the times , but they approach their problems differently which usually don
t get them more miserable than necessary . you can face a problem with blaming everyone , god and your perceived misfortune in life or you can skip that part and instead of asking why that happened , looking for ways to control the damage and be your best friend . that all happens in the mind . in childhood we were blissfully naive , we didn
t see the ugly side of the world or we couldn`t recognize it as wrong and ugly , so we were happier .this is what I grew up, maybe even more than you did, heavy duty criticisms of how people look. It is embarrassing to even remember it! and i`m 99% sure it comes from people who considered themselves as the most smart and sophisticated
I helped her after all, by.. being there, doing nothing (other than passively receiving her abuse). i
m sorry for the experience and for the time you wasted for fixing her , and i
m curious what was her reaction when you stopped contacting her ? i can imagine that can`t be good .how exciting, the idea that you might…awwww thank you.
i should take a milion exams though .
this is the Farnaz Attitude that I love!!! lol , that`s why i said that and i mean it
have a good night sleep
December 26, 2022 at 11:22 am #412661farnaz
Participantdear Anita
good to hear from you ,
here is cloudy as always
i actually liked reading novels a lot when i was a teenage , in recent years i was interested in mystery and i started with agatha christie books and miniseries , until i ran out of them , so i searched for a new source for fulfilling my appetite for mystery and i found shows like dateline mystery , 48 hours and another channels . there are alot of them . i follow that chapter and bailey sarian every week , they are both witty and that makes the awful stories a little bit lighter . out of many shows i watched some of stories where so complicated and interesting such as the case of Shillah Davallouh , who was an Iranian immigrant in US and she was going to kill her second victim but she was caught , i think she had the potential to become a serial killer , i think you watch or read about her , she was a pretty infamous one . the another one was the case of bob mac clancy , these 2 were one of the most twisted crimes , of course the cases of casey anthony and jody arias were interesting too . i watched a lot of sitcoms and snl (the old episodes) , i don`t want too heavy subjects in my mind.
saying that her mother is indeed a monster. i watched that show , she said her mom was normal at first and was happy to hear from her but at the end she got too delusional and she cut the contact with her for good.
misery likes company, the saying goes. It makes them feel less alone. so true .
they are shallow: they don’t care about/ value deep things like honesty, human decency, empathy, fairness, humility, win-win relationships with people, and so forth, so they don’t compete in regard to these things. It’s all about ME and LOOK AT ME. There’s very little depth to that me. i should admit i used to be very shallow too , i
m hopefully a lot deeper now . i was looking for meaning in things , i wrote in my first posts that i felt superior and that wasn
t working for me , but i didnt know that . so i had to go through alot of s### to realize i
m no better than any one and i dont need to be , for me the turning point was , the moment i realized nothing would matter if i don
t have anything to offer , and its not for bribing people to like me or the need to be needed but it
s the service your giving to others and what you can do to make their life better ,that matters , it gives you a sense of fulfillment and you can be happy and at ease with yourself when you go to bed at night. or you can have money and other THINGS which makes you feel rich but if you dont have anything to live for or you don
t do anything meaningful , what’s the point ? obviously people are different and im not saying a rich housewife is shallow and unkind they actually can have a fulfilled life by doing what the are interested they have the time and money to do it . i personally haven
t met a truly hardworking and helpful person who is arrogant . i havent seen a shallow person to be happy either and they don
t others to be happy , at best they are indifferent , at worst they are actively making others life miserable .I think that it has to do with the very traditional social role of women: that of not going out there into the world and initiating, making things happen (work, money, marriage, home), but instead, the women stay put and try to get men’s attention(by physically appearing attractive, flirting, and whatnot), so that the men will give them what they need (marriage, home, money, children). Traditionally, women focus on getting attention instead of developing the depth needed to get into and advance themselves in the workplace, etc. soo true and i
ve never think of them in this perspective , i don
t think they can think of working at all , at least the aunt i talked about . nowadays most women are working outside but in this particular family even the wives of her sons are housewives despite being educated ,and all of them and most of her nieces . thats very unusual . and they never talked about the carrier of other women to evaluating them , even though they are constantly evaluating others , because they don
t have anything to do i guess . they comment about the appearance and how they look (fatter or thinner *than before but never comment about carrier and the abilities .and that
s why the other women are threats , because obviously they are going to reduce the chance to get a husband who would provide for them . i don
t know what to say ? they don`t see any different way to live but that would be nice if they reminded their own business and not trying to change other people.. I needed her to stamp me with a figurative OK stamp before I felt deserving of feeling okay. i
m glad you don
t need it anymore and i know that`s very hard to achieve and feel so good after all ,to be FREE .Her sickness has been her misfortune and my own. i`m sure she enjoyed it too , i mean she had the perfect excuse
While trying to fix her, I got sicker and sicker. that
s the main problem. for a young child trying to fix their parents feel so normal , but we aren
t equipped to do that ,not even in adulthood and these people wanted to drag us down even if they dont know it , they don
t want to get better in most of times.If I was you, I’d probably consider immigrating to the U.S., or elsewhere, where medical doctors get paid a lot. the very hard years are when you are studying for specialities , once you get your degree you are gonna have a very good life , but you are right US is very good countries for physicians , a lot of people recommend it and i am always considering to go abroad , everyone is Iran is actually , let`s see .
My sweet tooth is huge. mine too , i try to defeat it every day . screw it i don
t need sugar to be happy , it doesn
t have a power over me , lolfar
December 25, 2022 at 9:41 pm #412642farnaz
Participantdear Anita
i know it`s kind of late but happy 15th page , lol .
You are welcome and thank you: it is a great pleasure and benefit for me to be here with you, to communicate as we do!thank you . this is the part of the day i look forward , it is stress relieving for me personally .
A True Story of Passion and Murder” by Ann Rule so you are also interested in true crimes, me too . the reality is always stranger than fiction , isn
t it ? i was into reading more when i was a teenage but i got lazy , i prefer watching videos rather than reading , latter is more engaging but i do another stuff while watching these videos , good stuff obviously , lol . it was interesting for me that you actually read this case , but i
m not sure Ann rule was her daughter or an author who wrote her story ?because i remember her daughter who was adapted later in her life contacted Diane , did she write a book ? … and Diane was accusing her daughter to plot against her, crazy and delusional . to be fair you can`t expect better from a mom who kills her own kids .histrionics never learn to give up center stage or their beloved mirrors“. it`s like a drug and they are hooked, unfortunately for the people around them
it’s the combination of my mother’s ignorance and her insistence to not learn, that angers me. No matter how hard I tried, as a teenager and onward, having read books on mental health and such, to teach her something, anything at all… she INSISTED to not learn, not a SINGLE THING. that reminds of my father , he insisted there is nothing wrong with him and his behavior . so he wouldn`t change anything about him but he was actually very talented and was discovering new ways to play mind games , so i guess he was learning something.
I think that my mother had to make her internal, private chaos=> external and public. It was a relief to not be in chaos all by herself. i
ve never thought of that , this way . i guess it
s true ,it`s not fair for them to live such a chaotic unpleasant life and others to be calm , in their minds . i believe this is therapeutic for them to see people in agony .i was never a competitive person or particularly jealous one . i don
t say i didn
t feel jealous or insecure but i guess it wasnt in my nature to compare my self to others and try to raise above them , it feels good but it
s not that appealing to me , sometimes i feel like im too relaxed but it
s the reason i get very angry and frustrated with this kind of people , the one who should be in center of attention and dont you notice they usually brag about materialistic and shallow things in life?at least in my experiences , but i can imagine the tension they must experience every minute of the day because they have to be relevant in any situation and i don
t think they can do by being themselves and reminding their own business . they should get attention all the time because they feel so empty . its not an easy life to live . do
nt get me wrong , screw them but still something to think about .when i write the last paragraph i was thinking about my mom , my sister , the aunt and step mom to less extent my dad . i `m wondering why they are mostly females .
No matter how hard I tried, as a teenager and onward, having read books on mental health and such, to teach her something… it broke my heart that you were trying to fix her , i imagine you didn
t think of yourself of being worthy of trying to feel yourself better rather than her back then , am i right ? when my mom was sick i only thought of her feeling not caring about mine at all . and it
s too much for a teenage dealing with stuff we endured and try to fix it all by ourselves.Because adding sugar and salt is cheap, not illegal and profitable, these are added to numerous products. and that makes doctors rich too in long run , lol . it
s been for a while that i
m thinking about all the tricks the companies and shops use to make us buy more , its their business and they should have benefit , that i understand but it
s very infuriating that people with jobs related to maintaining , repairing , securities and health earn less money than others . they are considered as essential workers. in recent years suicide in medical residents become so often in Iran , just imagine someone who doesnt have a good night sleep at least 12 nights a month for a year and being under constant stress , because they are basically an student and they should answer to at least 4 people in a given night and maybe 30 overall , and they earn a salary as little as a simple worker who lift heavy objects with no education , that goestoo to repairmen , it actually depends on their speciality but compare it to a hair colorist , he/she could earn double salaries of this essentiel workers in one day , isn
t it messed up ?Maybe it is an economic opportunity for people there (it is very expensive here and it is my biggest chosen indulgence)i should search more and get to know about prices , i don
t think it
s cheap here , i`ll let you knowfar