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Dear Seaturtle:

You are welcome.. and thank you for growing, the world is a better place because you are!

As a response to my suggestion that a lifetime with N could have been a bad trip, you wrote: “When I read this it was scary because it feels true“.

* “I will be very intentional when I try out a Buddhist community, is there a specific reason it would be more beneficial with an open crown chakra?“-

– From Wikipedia/ Buddhism and violence: “Buddhist scripture condemns violence in every form. Ahimsa, a term meaning ‘not to injure‘, is a primary virtue in Buddhism. However, Buddhists have historically used scriptures to justify violence or form exceptions to commit violence for various reasons. As found in other religious traditions, Buddhism has an extensive history of violence dating back to its inception”. The entry has a long list of examples from various countries.

From The New York Times/Why are we surprised when Buddhists are Violent? (March 2018): “Most adherents of the world’s religions claim that their traditions place a premium on virtues like love, compassion and forgiveness, and that the state toward which they aim is one of universal peace. History has shown us, however, that religious traditions are human affairs, and that no matter how noble they may be in their aspirations, they display a full range of both human virtues and human failings.

”While few sophisticated observers are shocked, then, by the occurrence of religious violence, there is one notable exception in this regard; there remains a persistent and widespread belief that Buddhist societies really are peaceful and harmonious. This presumption is evident in the reactions of astonishment many people have to events like those taking place in Myanmar. How, many wonder, could a Buddhist society — especially Buddhist monks! — have anything to do with something so monstrously violent as the ethnic cleansing now being perpetrated on Myanmar’s long-beleaguered Rohingya minority? Aren’t Buddhists supposed to be compassionate and pacifist?
(I am adding the boldface feature to the following continued quote): “While history suggests it is naïve to be surprised that Buddhists are as capable of inhuman cruelty as anyone else, such astonishment is nevertheless widespread — a fact that partly reflects the distinctive history of modern Buddhism. By ‘modern Buddhism,’ we mean not simply Buddhism as it happens to exist in the contemporary world but rather the distinctive new form of Buddhism that emerged in the 19th and 20th centuries. In this period, Buddhist religious leaders, often living under colonial rule in the historically Buddhist countries of Asia, together with Western enthusiasts who eagerly sought their teachings, collectively produced a newly ecumenical form of Buddhism
”This modern form of Buddhism is distinguished by a novel emphasis on meditation and by a corresponding disregard for rituals, relics, rebirth and all the other peculiarly ‘religious’ dimensions of history’s many Buddhist traditions. The widespread embrace of modern Buddhism is reflected in familiar statements insisting that Buddhism is not a religion at all but rather (take your pick) a ‘way of life,’ a ‘philosophy’ or (reflecting recent enthusiasm for all things cognitive-scientific) a ‘mind science.’“.
I agree: Buddhism as most people in the western world know it, is NOT a religion but a philosophy, a way of life, and it is very much based on science, ex., mindfulness. This newly ecumenical (general/ worldwide) form of Buddhism- philosophy is a huge part of practiced, modern psychotherapy in the western world, having introduced Meditation and Mindfulness into psychotherapy.Back to the rest of your post: “(F) said he had the whole day Friday to do something with me then suddenly the night before he said ‘so I am up for anything I just have a golf round at noon.’… I confronted him a little and asked…  and he said yes and that he was under the impression I was only free in the morning…  Instead of more confrontation I just decided to accept he was too out of touch/unaware to see his selfishness”-

– We tend to interpret our parents’ behaviors (particularly misbehaviors) in the best possible light, so to see the best (or the least-worst) in them. Maybe he is not selfish and unaware, but selfish, aware that he is selfish and.. okay with it. His explanation that he was under the impression that you were free only in the morning reads like something he came up with after your conformation, so to (retroactively) excuse why he didn’t keep his word to you, or why he misled you (?)

I told him about my financial issues and he gave me the money I needed for rent and a medical bill, as a gift! with no payment plan back, he has never given without those strings before.“- I am glad to read this!

“I have had several dreams about N, and in every one we try to be friends and it always left me with some sort of negativity, I think my dreams are telling me something“- I am kind-of telling you the same.

“And you are right that I cannot change what is happening in his family“- remember this fact.

What do you mean by hope can reawaken?“-

– I was referring to what you wrote on Dec 19: “I am no longer ‘in-love’ with him. I gave up hope that he is the right partner for me”. You gave up that hope and fell out of love with him; if you regain that hope.. you may fall back in-love with him.

“When the voice of doubt, of my decision to leave N, comes I am able to reason it away every time. I either think of what I do wish for in a partner that was not in N, or I think about those moments N shut down my feelings or attempts to bond with him deeper. One of these voices of doubt is that N will self actualize and become the man I needed him to be.. is this what you mean by hope can reawaken?”-

– yes, I meant the hope (like I wrote above before reading this part) that he will be the right partner for you.. once he actualizes himself, if he does, which is unlikely because most people don’t change core beliefs and MO-s (habitual ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving) as adults.

“Well back at you because this made me smile for the first time today and I have been awake a few hours!“- back at you again (smile, Sun 9:30 am)

Does a woman like this exist? is this who N will find as his partner?“, you asked regarding a woman with only one chakra, or main chakra, being the sacral chakra- no, I don’t think so. But there are women who will be okay with a superficial relationship, or women who will compromise their deeper needs.

“My trip home so far has certainly made me feel things that I did not predict… First, feeling sad/disappointed he was not at the gate at the airport, this feeling surprised me, but thankfully I was distracted… there is just a lonely feeling associated without him… wishing N was here to experience the joy”- it’s normal/ natural to miss a person you became emotionally attached to.

“I will create a new email address for this platform to be extra safe, I will likely get to it after this trip if that is ok with you”- it’s absolutely fine.

“I wonder how you liked the song/music video?”- listening/ watching it: first, I love the ocean! Her sitting on the shore, on the sand, close to the water makes me think of the sea turtle video I watched such a long time ago. It makes me think of you, a sea turtle in red holding a yellow flower..(I wonder if you look like her, dark hair and eyes.. and so majestic). Now the video is becoming even more beautiful: her dance moves, inspiring, makes me think of you growing and actualizing yourself, becoming more..

She is reaching her hands up to the sky… The music is lovely. The words: “..once you told me/ If something’s missing in me/ To go and find it in you“- you wanted to find it in N, a deeper connection, one where he’d SEE you and the missing part of you… but he refused.

A piece of me ain’t there/  ‘Cause nothing can compare/ To life when I was young/ That girl inside me stays“- this is true to me, very true. I don’t even remember the girl that I was. Way earlier than the singer’s age of 27, we LOSE so much of what or who we were. It’s heartbreaking.
If I’m not here for me/ She will be there“- I don’t understand this part..?
Look how you found me/  A broken part enough for two/ For me and you/ Just reminiscence of the best parts of my youth/ I wish I was her for good/ A piece of me ain’t there/ … Messages from her/ Messages to her/…  Look how you found me/ Searching for messages from you“- searching from messages from her, the girl you were, (the girl I was.. the boy that N was), so to become more whole, so to become high vibrational people.
You tried to do this with N, but he refused.
I am thinking of this video as a Christmas gift that you sent me and which I enjoyed this very Christmas Eve, thank you! I am sending you this Christmas gift, it’s a video. I don’t know how to attach a link…(apologetic face emoji.. which I also don’t know how to make happen). You will find it if you search “11 hours stunning underwater footage/ Nature Relaxation Films”, there is a picture of a sea turtle at the start of it (no requirement that you watch the whole thing of it, of course!).

Merry Christmas!“- and  M e R R Y     C H R i S T M a S   to you, seaturtle!
