
He slept with someone else while we were broken up

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    My boyfriend and i broke up for a few months last year before we decided to give our relationship another shot. Now it’s been a year since we been back together and we are super happy with our little family. However, recently i just found out that while we were broken up he had slept with someone else two weeks after the break up. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster and i understand that it’s none of my business because he was single. but finding this out now hurts. I found out from someone else and when i confronted my boyfriend he admitted to it. we both communicated and he said that he wants to be with me and that he loves me. This man has always been loyal and honest. But now i cant get images out of my head and wondering if I’ll ever leave the past in the past. I am an over thinker and he does feel bad and has apologized for what he did. It’s just not easy to forget and i cant stop imagining that he was with someone else.

    Side note:

    prior to our breakup we had been together for 11 years. We were having issues with our relationship that he decided to call it quits. The breakup did affected us both considering we have a family together and had everything we wanted. He was my first and i met him when i was 18 so with this man has been my first for everything.  😖




    Dear Mary:

    But now I cant get images out of my head and wondering if I’ll ever leave the past in the past. I am an overthinker… cant stop imagining that he was with someone else“- I can relate to you, I went through the same kind of suffering that you are describing here, and I too was an overthinker. In fact, I suffered from OCD (eventually diagnosed) from an early age.

    This man has always been loyal and honest… He was my first and I met him when I was 18 so with this man has been my first for everything. “- from my experience this obsessive kind of suffering is not about whether the boyfriend is honest and loyal, or not. Instead, it’s about an early hurt in childhood (before you ever met him) that got triggered and goes on and one through images and imaginings. In my case, it was my loneliness as a child, being mistreated by my mother. That was an early and ongoing betrayal, very intense. For as long as it was unresolved, it got triggered and re-triggered.

    Do you relate..?


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