
I have goals each year.

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    If not every year, there’s always something I wanna accomplish.

    2006 – I wanted to move out of my city for higher studies. I got that.

    2008 – I was doing higher studies and wanted to take up a job simultaneously. It benefited in having early career as compared to other counterparts.

    2009 – I wanted a better job. I got one. For which I studied hard and underwent training and practice.

    2010 – I lost my job. I was looking for any co. which could employ me for my field of practice. I got the best brand. Oracle! I couldn’t ask for more.

    2011 – I got married to the one I wanted to spend my life with. It turned out ugly.

    2012 – I wanted to buy an apartment of my own. I finalised the deal in 2013. Soon after that to be able to pay for it better, I wanted a job which would pay me more. I got one.

    2014 – Now that I’m in this new job, I realise there’s lot of struggle in India for every small thing. I am here with the new aim to go abroad (US/UK/Canada). Not denying that it would have new challenges along the way, but those would be sweeter ones.

    Is it wrong to be running and chasing some or the other thing in life. People here tell me I should settle down (as in get married, have kids n all – those who doesn’t know I’m divorced)

    Although, when I look back, I did achieve lot of things and lead an independent life.

    Please share your views/opinions. Thanks a lot for reading my post.


    Well Anyone,

    These are my two cents – There are no guarantees in anything. Thats why i believe that we need to pursue meaning and stop taking things for granted. Everyone will tell you their version of how to do things but you must stay true to what you want, rather than conforming to some notion of how you should be. This is a hard choice in a place like India. You’ve had your share of ups and down. The divorce and job loss must have taken its toll on you but atleast you picked yourself up, stayed independent and true to your focus. That spirit has to stay though the goals, dream might change as you get older. You do have a whole life ahead of you and if you feel that going overseas is something you wish for, then go ahead. Who’s really stopping you? This will be a new challenge 🙂 You decide now.

    Good luck

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